Get this Thing Out My Neck!

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"So you can get these bombs out our neck, you mind explaining how exactly?" (Y/N) asked as the new trio journeyed into a rusted elevator. Riddler laughed slightly as Frost looked at the Gotham Rogue with a questioning look. 

"If i tell you, you won't want to proceed with it" he giggled like a school child at the end with (Y/N) looking at Frost with a raised eyebrow. Both looked less than impressed but went along with it, I mean either they kill Riddler and get years off their sentence, or the bombs are deactivated and they go free. 

The elevator let out a small tune and the doors opened to reveal that they had taken it underground. The area seemed a mixture of rocks and bricks, pipes ran high overhead stretching all across the cave. The trio then carried on. 

What seemed around minutes later, they came to a bridge, which suspended to the other side where (Y/N) see double doors. However between the trio and said doors were a horde of guards currently taking position. Had to been about 10 of them, 4 of which were armed with metal riot shields, with the rest taking cover behind the shield bearers. The metal shields had the initials 'S.C.U' in white text on the front. The trio then took cover behind a destroyed wall. 

Then a voice rang out from the squad guards from a loudspeaker, "This is the Special Crimes Unit, surrender and return to your cells" in response Frost poked her middle finger out just slightly causing (Y/N) to smile. The guards voice then rang out again, "Light'em Up!" a hail of gunfire then rang out. 

"You had to piss them off" (Y/N) commented as he pulled out his bow and reached for an arrow from the quiver on his back. 

"Like the hanged man, we are the end of our rope" Riddler said cheerfully as he straightened his collar. 

"Wow I hate you" Frost angrily stated as a bullet went by her head. Just as all seemed lost, the rest of the squad then turned up, with Deadshot firing shots at the guards and the Captain throwing his signature weapons. 

"You can thank us later, losers!" Boomer shouted with a smile. As the Squad took cover, (Y/N) fired an electric shock arrow at the guards which managed to hit one. While Deadshot, Harley, Boomer and Black Spider took cover behind a wall the opposite side of the trio, King Shark took cover behind (Y/N) and Frost. 

"You alright?" the giant asked the meta human. 

"Somewhat" Frost said with a smile as she gently punched Shark's arm. "Glad you made it". 

"This better be good" Deadshot said as he shot back at the guards, who continued to let fire on the squad. 

"Riddle Man here knows how to shut off the bombs" (Y/N) said as he grabbed another arrow. 

Riddler then pulled down the back of his collar, revealing an 'X' shaped scar on the back of his neck, he had worked for Waller sometime in the past. "Look familiar" he gladly said, shocking the rest of the squad. "I can do it, but you got to get me into the Medical Centre" he pointed with his thumb towards the double doors. 

"We got maybe five minutes before Waller figures out what's what" Deadshot went to load his gauntlet gun. "We get to that room or we're dead!" he continued. 

"Should've brought a tank" the Aussie commented. 

"Pretty sure we got one" (Y/N) said with a smile looking up at King Shark. 

The Shark man peaked his head over the wall, the gunfire somehow missing him. However as his looked downwards his eyes winded and he instantly back behind the wall, you could hear ragged breaths as he began two panic. "No heights" he said clearly scarred out his mind. 

"You kidding me?" Boomer asked. 

That seemed to tic Shark off slightly as he then looked at Boomer angrily, "I SAID NO HEIGHTS!" he snapped at the Aussie. That's when Frost put a hand on his arm;

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