Dash to the Finish

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The pellets Joker scattered on the floor exploded, causing the control panel to be destroyed, stopping the flow of electricity. Frost was the first to break free, using her ice abilities to freeze the straps, shattering them and pulling the cords off her head, attempting to make an escape. 

Batman then threw at a Batarang at Joker who in response shot the Batarang. The Batarang was sent away, landing in front of Boomerang. Said Aussie looked at the gadget hatching a plan. More pellets then exploded, sending the fleeing Frost to the ground. The pellets also blew up the chairs holding (Y/N) and Deashot apart freeing them both. (Y/N) stumbled around as he tried an failed to pick himself as his head rung like a hangover. He managed to find his gear, and hoist the straps under his arm. He also saw Deadshot helping Harley, they were flanked by Boomerang and Frost, all four were hurrying towards the exit. Frost rushed over to (Y/N) who her arm over the vigilante to support him. 

As all members of the Squad hurried to the door, Harley made sure to grab her mallet she had left there earlier. All members made their way down dark hallways. (Y/N) nodded to Frost, as the pair stopped for a seconds as the rest of the Squad hurried away. 

"You okay?" she asked as (Y/N) strapped the quiver, sword and bow to his back. 

"Yeah, few scratches but sadly I'll survive" she chuckled slightly at his joke. "How did Joker get free anyway?" 

"Apparently when Lawton and Harley were doing their part of the plan she shot several bullets into his cell, must've caused a breakdown or something". 

"For Fuck Sake" he swore out loud. "Let's catch up" both ran towards the direction on where the rest of the Squad went. 

The five members of the Squad made their way through a dark hallway with several large windows which peered their way into the main court yard. As they reached the end of the hallway a figure clad in a purple suit walked forward. The Joker had somehow gotten in front of them. 

(Like how? One second he's shooting at Batman and in literally the next scene he's ambushing the squad)

Mr J held Deadshot's gun gauntlet that the assassin had left behind, the psychopath gently throwing it in the air. "I think this was yours, Deadhead. Finders Keepers" Joker then pulled out a pistol pointing it at the Squad, holding it in his right hand. Everyone in the Squad looked dead faced, except Harley. 

She rushed forward still holding her mallet in a none violent way, "Puddin, you're free!" she called out clearly happy. Harley however was met with the barrel of the gun smacking her across the face knocking her to the ground. She hit a wall hard with a grunt of pain, while Joker went back to pointing the gun at the Squad. 

"Don't you Puddin me! I go away and suddenly you've got new friends. Even picked a new guy!" he said that last part glaring at Deadshot. 

Harley then began to pick herself, "You got it all wrong, baby" she then put her arms on Joker's shoulders. "I was using them to help you escape. Who else would I break into Arkham for?" she then leaned into his left ear. "Nobody that's who. It'll just be like old times". 

Joker seemed to release he had his girl back, wrapped an arm around her shoulder and the two began to walk away. While they did, (Y/N) reached for his bow, slowly unstrapping it from his back and going for an arrow. 

Harley then grabbed her mallet and readied herself to leave. Joker however seemed to have a change of mind, and stormed over to Deadshot. "You new guy, I don't like people touching my stuff" he said raising the gun again. 

With amazing speed (Y/N) pulled back and arrow, aiming for Joker. 

"Say the word Lawton and I drop him" he warned the clown.

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