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When I opened my eyes I expected to see mum in front of me bearing news of my death. Instead a stranger was hovering over my head. My vision had yet to clear so in my brief panic I tried to activate my semblance only to be met with extreme pain. 
"Lay still girl. You are safe. Not entirely sure how you are alive after that beating but you will heal." I tried to ask a billion questions but she simply shushed me. 
"Relax girl. My name is Morwyn hydref (Foreshadowing-apologies to those who don't speak welsh, I'm half welsh) but you can call me Nana and you are in my cabin healing. You saved me and that family so now you are recovering. You have been unconscious for 2 days. Now- sleep!" I wanted to protest against sleeping but the moment she waved her hand over my face I was out cold. When I came around again I felt much stronger and after a moment I sat up. The lady walked in clicked her fingers and said sleep and once again I was unconscious. The third time I awoke it had been 5 days and I had healed completely. The old lady walked in again and this time she didn't use her semblance to put me to sleep instead asked how I was doing.
"Well I'm kind of confused for one."
"I am Nana. You saved me so I nurse you back to health. You have been out for 5 days."
"Do my family know what has happened?"
"No, I couldn't unlock your scroll to contact anyone. I have a question of my own if you wouldn't mind."
"Go ahead."
"What did you think you were doing? That was quite the speed semblance and a rather stupid act of heroism at the end."
"I was just doing my job. I am an Atlas soldier and a huntress in training it is my duty to protect civilians."
"And what is a young soldier such as yourself doing in Vacuo? Get on the wrong airship?"
"No ma'am, I'm visiting Vacuo before spending a few weeks at home before going back to school at the end of the holidays."
"So I'm guessing you will be needing somewhere to stay?"
"Yes do you think you could tell me where the nearest inn is?"
"I'm an old woman at the end of my days and can't do much anymore. Tell you what if you help me around the house then you can stay here."
"Thank you Nana. I'm more than willing to help."
"Great because I've got a task for you already. You need fresh air and I need a few things from the market. Here is a list girl. Market is about half a mile away. What is your name child?"
"My name is Ruby Rose, Nana."
"Thank you for saving me Ruby. Now off you pop else there will be no decent fennel left." 
Well that happened. Suddenly I am staying with a stranger and off to a foreign market; man I love where adventures can take you. The scenery was beautiful and I was thankful for the fresh air. Soon enough I reached the market. I would have enjoyed the vast array of unfamiliar smells but I couldn't help but notice people staring at me. I approached a stall to get some eggs and the man behind the counter was highly friendly. He was a ball of energy who thanked me.
"What for?"
"Girl you not seen newspaper?"
"I haven't no."
He proceeded to drag me over to a separate section of the stall where he was selling newspapers and there I was on the front page. The camera must have been ridiculously expensive, eve if It only caught a picture that was blurred at the edges this was still impressive. The headline read- Soldier and Huntress-In-Training Ruby Rose saves Mayor and her children. I was shocked. Not that their status made any difference but I didn't expect to be on a newspaper cover. I bought everything I needed plus 2 copies of the news article. I hurried back to my lodge to show nana. Turns out she already had a newspaper clipping of it but only confirmed it all from a first hand perspective. Turns out they really liked their mayor and that is why I got so many looks at the market. Until lunchtime I chopped wood to keep her house warm and when I came in there was a plate of cookies waiting for me. I found the whole dynamic odd but strangely I didn't mind it, I got to stay and I got home cooked meals for some simple chores. And in the evening we told stories. I told her of my time in Atlas and my family struggles and she shared many stories from her long life. Some nights it was stories of her huntress days and other times it was fairytales. It kinda reminded me of story time when mum was alive. It was incredible how quickly a stranger could worm her way into my heart, but she is just a sweet old lady. All to soon 7 of the 9 days had passed and I would have to leave in 2 days. I decided to take Nana out on my bike through the desert and every beautiful scene I had seen since arriving in Vacuo. I think she really enjoyed our ride. On the last day we sat down in front of the fireplace with cookies and she told me her favourite fairytale again. I never dreamed that it would be the last time. I helped Nana to bed and locked up the house as I do every night then went to bed. I was awoken abruptly that night by a burning red energy that entered my body through my eyes. All I remember was the feeling of loosing control and the strong sense of fear gripping me tightly. I think I could hear screaming but I couldn't be sure. All my attention was on the way my head burned and my desperation to explode and release pressure that had filled my entire body. Finally the burn ended and with it as did my consciousness.

Well this is the start of a long road for Ruby. But I am sure she will adapt, but she won't be able to do so alone. Do you think she will use the powers her whole life or simply be a vessel to hide  the powers whilst she purses a life with her new family? I've got a lot of ideas and none of them are very good for Ruby's mental health.
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See you later, love Lizzi

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