a long road to ruin

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The night was long and cold. The silence and anxiousness kept the crowd on edge.

Morning broke and the alarms blared. The screams from above are heard by all.

They quickly put on their armor and weapons. Roy and filamer stumbling over one another as her bowstring caught on roys leg, and roys coat catching her head. As they fumbled around. the elevator shaft is activated. The cables rolling. The elevator opening. Gordon and sergeant salts stepping out.

Gordon taking the lead. " Roy, filamer, budrik, and pasha follow sergeant salts." Gordon shifting his glance to the others " will, hendrum, Loki, and heliny follow me."

Filamer fiddling with her bow "What's happening out there?"

" the war is at our front door. We are evacuating your group. Everyone else is currently holding the line." Gordon smacking the keyboard on the wall. Sparks flying. " now Mr. salts have the battle to get to so we need to move."

Two doors opening. Salts taking the left and Gordon taking the right. As they divided following closely to their leaders.

Down the hallway of dirt walls and barely held up the ceiling. Dimly lit lanterns lighting the way forward. Explosions shook the walls as patches of dirt shifted, falling to the ground or on the group.

The hallway narrowing as the end neared. A metal vault door blocking the path. Salts sighing as his metal arms clanked on the bar. He spun the bar till a click echoed down the path. His boots sinking into the ground as he pushed the door open. The hydraulics pushing and steaming. Salts was grunting lightly but the door opened. The sweat was very visible. The light was bouncing off of it.

Salts whipping his forehead with his arm. " everyone in now" he said. Roy entered followed by filamer, pasha, then budrik. Salts entering the room closing the door behind him, it was almost carefree when he closed it.

Lights flickered on showing the metal box of a room. The only thing in this bland room were four pods. The doors were all open. It seemed padded. It wasn't visible to anyone.

Roy turned his head to look at salts " what are these?"

" enter now,  they'll drop you into your carriage" salts spreading his legs slightly as the steam rises in small plumes. " everyone else is waiting on you guys. Follow the instructions Gordon gives." a large explosion shook the box. " hurry I have to lead the battle"

Without another world like a dog that got yelled at by its master. They quickly slumped away into the pods.

The cushy fuzz pads of each one. Handles on the side to grip. A plaque on the top of the door that read " hold tight"

Roy gripping the handles. Filamer and pasha each getting in a pod. Budrik barely fighting into his pod.

Salts close each pod. Hitting the pod door twice on each door. After the punches, the pod would plummet into a tube system underneath the facility. The four being jostled around. The padding didn't help. A sudden stop as they fell onto a springy surface. The pods turning. They could feel they were laying on their backs.

The pod door sprung open. Giant mechanical arms tearing the pods apart. Some even grabbing the four. Lifting them and putting them on patted seats. The pods being added as armor to a large beast like that of a buffalo. Its tusks digging into a wall. The four sitting behind it. Two reigns fell into roys hands from the ceiling. Roy looking side to side. The creature scratching more and more.

A hologram sparking to life directly onto the wood in front illuminating a bit of the area. They were sitting in a sleigh, the wood was Forrest green only the front half. It looked almost incomplete.

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