+ Types Of Magic +

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There is many different kinds of magic in this world that I can't list them all. 

It's up to you to decide which type of magic fits in which category. Let's start simple.

Colorless - Colorless Magic is the most basic kind, it has no real nature other than it's usually used in ultility spells, attack spells and protection spells. Some colorless magic buffs up spells as well. Every magician is bound to know at least one colorless spell. Summoning also counts as Colorless magic, as you don't need to know any actual elements to use it.

Fire - Anything related to the blazing hot flames is in this category, including one of the honors professors in Sun Magic. Fire Magic is known to be hard to control, and it has a very bad tendancy of hurting the user and people around it. It's known to be a primarily attacking magic group. Pyromancers are quite common however.

Water - Water or Ice, everything is nice in this category. Much easier to tame than Fire; Water magic is used commonly by Cryomancers and Hydromancers. They usually involve taking a form of water, and freezing or heating it up to attack. Some can even change water into giving it acidic properties. Water users aren't as common, but they're a good adversary to the Pyromancers.

Earth ~ Earth is split into Geomancers and Clhoromancers (Plant Magic), either controlling the earth below or the plants above. Known for being good defensively and for healing, these magic users are a great support to have; they can land punches and take them to.

Wind ~ Aeromancers typically are based around speed and evasiveness. But they're creative use of their magic makes them some of the top tier magic users. Plakrora himself was an Aeromancer. These magicians tend to use the air in their lungs, or the air around them to create their attacks; and can use them for defensive purposes as well.

Light ~ Lumomancers or Photomancers use light and create light to attack; blinding there enemies or giving a source of cover to flee (Similar to their Black Artist counterparts). They can control the intensitiy and heat of their light blasts. A lumomancer sometimes has healing abilities as well, and usually is a good source of light when in the darkness.

Dark ~ Black Mages, Black Artists, and other forms of Dark Magic users tend to use curses, the darkness itself, or creatures of evil in their magic. They're threatening by nature. Recently, it seems Dark Magic is given a bad rap for being linked to evil people. This isn't true however, as one of the professors for the Black Arts is a very nice man. I suppose that's up for you to decide.

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