+ The Mystery Continues +

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The mysterious magical energy that consumed Julian the other day when he and his Phalcon fought together in sync, curing the Cavern Spider Queen of her mysterious mark and returning her to her docile state along with the colony, really lead you into a mystery.

What was that power?

Could you gain that power to?

You decided to ask one of your professors, the master of magical animals; but he seems to have no idea what it was either.

Now it was study time, as you were studying; the group decides to talk about what they witnessed and catch up Astrid, Chahaya and Umri on what she missed while Astrid was sick.

You had so many questions, about the power, about the snake like mark on the queen's back, and most importantly, about Mihael and if he has anything to do with this.

Julian begins, "So... What now?"


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