Let's Go Somewhere Else

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A red light appeared an young Icejin seen. He was curious to go see but didn't because of his father's order to stay home. After a few hours of him not appearing, he went to out to find him. He searched and searched for him and then seen a broken building. He went to the building to see what happened. He went through an alley way to get a better look and then seen his father on the ground unresponsive. He tried to wake him up for minutes which went to hours, which went to days. Icejin was in tears the whole time.

A hand touched his shoulder. Icejin looked backed and seen a man in a cloak. The man asked to follow him. The two went to this secret hideout underneath. Icejin face came to awe as he seen the others. He realized they were alike. Not physically but they were all outcasts. Everyone accepted another in their society. Icejin finally got to fit in. The man in the cloak had said they planned going on traveling to a new place. Icejin was down with the idea and agreed to go. The group was only made of 17 people but they all had a place they all went besides their hideout. They had intentions on traveling to a location called Toki Toki City in Universe 7.

The group was close to Universe 6's Kaioshin, Fuwa. A couple days later, the group met with Fuwa. Fuwa asked them are they sure about going there. Everton was positive. Then Fuwa did Kai Kai and instantly arrived in Toki Toki City.

Icejin, Univere 6's Frieza Race Emperor Where stories live. Discover now