Kuch Kuch hota hai

604 40 24

Next day....

Ar: listen ranbir..... now prachi is buying things inside this shop....this shop has only one door...so she should come only by this way...so now whatever injustice happens here, you just ignore that...

Ra: yes Aryan... today I am going to tell her all the truth..

At that time someone from behind hitted ranbir and Aryan with a rod...

They turns and sees many men standing behind them with rods and knives...

Aryan tells ranbir," even if we are standing simply, they are not allowing ..."

Ranbir nods and both started to hit them...

One man: are you two police, then why are you poking your nose in our matter...if we sell woman for money,then what is your problem

Ra: talking to you itself a big shame

Saying he punched his stomach...

Ranbir hits one man, due to the hit he falls on the ground Infront of prachi....

Ranbir sighs seeing her...he pulls that man's hair and made him to stand ..

Ranbir asks prachi," tell me onething...why are you always seeing me when I am hitting someone"

Prachi turns away her face in anger..

Ra: today too it is not my mistake...they started the fight.. getting beat from others is more wrong than beating others..

Saying he punched his stomach making prachi to flinch...

Ra: you know I will never leave them simply if they keep their hands on me

Saying he rubs his cheek whereas Prachi looks at him

Ra: but I am leaving you simply because I love you...

Prachi was about to go...

Ra: don't forget one thing.... one day or other I will surely marry you...

Prachi furiously says," if that happens then that will be the last day for me on earth"

Ranbir looks at her shocked...her words hurted him deeply...

Next day prachi and her friends came to a tea shop and sees ranbir and Aryan drinking tea..

Ranbir smiles at her and but she ignores him...

At that time three men came there and started giving bad comments about prachi's friends...first they teased girl wearing green churidar, then a girl wearing blue churidar.., then they said cheap comment about the girl standing near prachi...

Ranbir was about to get up but aryan caught his hand..

Man: now.... this black churidar

Saying he looked at prachi in an improper way and said

Ma: your eyes are....

Before he could complete his sentence ranbir punched his mouth...

Not able to bear the pain he said," Bhai....these are common in youth life.... for this small thing why are you beating us"

Aryan slaps him...

That man cries," what is this for"

Ar: this is for calling your self as youth...if you are youth, then what about us..

Then he started to beat them....then police came there and arrested the three men and arybir...

Inside the lock up...the three men are sitting opposite to ranbir and Aryan...

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