Rock Bottom

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~Flashback: Early December 2018~

The girls have been touring non-stop around the world for the past 5 months. Jennie released her solo debut song in November and has been doing promotions for it. Jennie and Lisa have not had time for themselves in quite a while, which has now been causing for a lot of fights to happen. 

~Blackpink House~

Jennie has just come home from her solo appearance on Inkigayo and a photoshoot

Lisa: Hey babe, welcome home! I cooked you dinner, come here and eat.

Jennie: I'm not hungry

Lisa: What? You have been busy all day I'm sure you are, even just a little bit. Come on, it's your favorite

Jennie: I said I'm not hungry! Stop pestering me about it my god!

Lisa: What's with the attitude? I thought I'd do something nice for my girlfriend after a long day at work so she can relax. But it seems like yelling at me helps you more, so go ahead keep screaming at me!

*The two starts getting into a screaming match*

Jennie: What do you want from me?! I told you I wasn't hungry and you kept pestering me about it! You know I hate being told the same things over and over!

Lisa: Jennie, it's just food! I asked you to eat! All you have to do is sit down and eat! Why is that so hard?! If you really didn't want to eat it you should've said so in a nicer way and not yell at me!

Jennie: Oh is that really what you want? You want me to eat? Fine give it here!

Lisa: No, you already said you don't want it *grabbing the plate from Jennie*

Jennie: No! Give it here! 

*Their heated conversation turned into a tug-of-war over the plate of food until Lisa has had enough and just threw the plate on the ground, spilling food everywhere and breaking the plate*

Lisa: There! Now there's no food! You don't have to worry about it anymore! *throws the glass of water* Now there's no drink too! What else?! What else do you not want?! I'll just throw it all away! *starts to cry*

Jennie: *goes over to hug Lisa and also starts to cry* I'm sorry. I'm so sorry baby. I didn't mean to yell, I'm sorry

Lisa: I'm sorry too Jen. But it feels like this is all we do lately. We fight and fight and fight. Half of the time I don't even know what we're fighting about

Jennie: I know. It's just that we've both been so busy lately. We're always tired when we come home. I don't even feel like we're us anymore

Lisa: What are you talking about? 

Jennie: This is not who we are Lisa. We're not the type of couple who fight over the smallest little thing. We used to fight over normal adult stuff like finances or responsibilities, not over refusing to eat fucking food. Are you not tired?

Lisa: What? Why would you ask me that? Jennie, I know it hasn't been easy. But I will never get tired. I would rather have stupid little fights with you than be happy with someone else. I will never get tired of fighting for us because I love you. Please Jen, promise me you're not gonna stop fighting too. 

Jennie: I -...I promise

Lisa: *hugs Jennie* If you ever get tired, just let me know. I can do the fighting for the both of us, just please let me know. Don't give up on us just yet.

Jennie: I will

*After their eventful night. Lisa worked hard every day to work on their relationship. She would go with Jennie to her TV guestings and photoshoots even if Lisa is tired from her own responsibilities. Jennie noticed all of Lisa's efforts in trying to make their relationship work and she appreciated all of them, but something was still missing. The spark they once had was slowly dying and it needed to be saved. But Lisa had one more trick up her sleeve*

~December 31st, 2018~

*Lisa is on the phone with Rose*

Lisa: Is everything ready?

Rose: Yes! I set it all up for you! What time are you coming?

Lisa: I'll be there in like 30 minutes, I just need to get the flowers.

Rose: Okay I'll leave when you get here

Lisa: Okay thanks a lot Chaeng!

Rose: Of course! I can't wait!

Lisa: Me too *smiles* okay bye! *hangs up*

*After all the fighting, misunderstandings, and make ups, Lisa knew it was time to show Jennie what she truly feels. It is time to assure her that no matter how hard things get, Lisa will always be there to fight for them because they are worth it. Their love was strong and true. was*

You hate me now and I feel the same way 

You love me now and I feel the same way 

We scream and we shout 

And make up the same day, same day 

 Oh, we're on the right side of rock bottom 

And I hope that we keep falling 

We're on the good side of bad karma 

Cause we keep on coming back for more

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