Chapter 6 - Date

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Dylan told himself the next time he saw Emma, regardless of the circumstances, he would apologize. Even if she ran away from him, he would at least scream it and make sure she heard him. And the opportunity came to him as if his wishes had been answered.

Emma had walked past his door while leaving the building, and she stopped in front of his door, admiring his decorations once again. He knew she had done that a few times already, hearing the door creak slightly when she placed her finger against the wood, lining all the curves his paint brush had done. He could even hear her breathing on the other aide, and he took that chance as quickly as he could.

He threw the door open, and she yelped, stumbling backwards and almost losing her balance. Her breath had grown heavy, and she tightened her work bag against her chest, "What are...your lights are shut!"

Mr. Walker rolled his eyes, "I enjoy the dark."

Emma narrowed her eyes, turning away and beginning to walk as quickly as she could. But Dylan did not want her to leave hating her, hence why, although he told him he wouldn't, he chased after her. "Just wait, please Emma."

She didn't stop, until she felt his fingers wrap around her wrist and stop her. Strangely enough, the tingles she felt with Bradley were nothing compared to the sudden warmth her body felt by his touch. She paused for a few minutes and simply stared at his palm, the strange butterflies that buried themselves in the lining of her stomach, causing her entire body to fall into a sudden heat.

She met his gaze, and before this warmth became to strong be controlled her, he pulled away from her. "Listen," he scratched the side of his head, clearing his throat, "it wasn't my place to say anything, I just thought it was going to be a funny joke at the time and it wasn't fair to you. I'm sorry."

Breathlessly, she said, "It's okay."

"No, seriously," he touched her again, but this time it was on her shoulder, and that made her instinctively lean forward, "I didn't mean to make you feel unwelcomed. Everyone here is very nice and friendly; I don't want to make you feel shunned."

"No," she shook her head, "seriously, it's okay."

"Let me make it up to you."

"No, I—"

"You like coffee, don't you? Let's go get coffee during lunch time tomorrow."

Emma raised an eyebrow, "Seriously?"

He wrinkled his nose, "Not like a date though, gross."

"Yes," Emma scoffed, wrinkling her nose as well, "way too gross. You're not my type whatsoever."

"Neither are you."

That strung a nerve, and Emma paused for a moment to think of something before she spat, "I would never date someone like you."

"Back at you," he snapped.

They both felt the sudden tension rising between this conversation, and even though he was admitting on disliking her, he felt taken aback that she thought all these things.

Emma tilted her head, "You're too arrogant."

"You're too rude."

"How am I rude? You're the one insulting girls all the time!"

"I don't know I just needed to find something to say!"

"Oh, so you just wanted to one up me?!"

"Pretty much, yes! I'm not going to let you have the last word."

"That's so childish and immature."

"You started it."

"I didn't say anything, you're the one that mentioned it wasn't a date and called me gross—"

"I did not call you gross, you called me ugly."

"When did I say you were ugly?!"

"Oh so you think I'm cute?"

Instantly, Emma's face became a bold red. "W-well I—"

"I think you're cute too." Right when he said that, his entire face turned red as well, and he glanced elsewhere, "I mean, you're o-okay."

"You can't take that back!"

"Fine! Whatever!"

"Whatever! I'm going home!"


Emma glared at him and growled, "Bye!"

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