Meeting New People

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Ello Readers~! Here's the next chapter! Just a little disclaimer sort of thing that I don't hate Alesa or anything like that what is below is specifically for the story so yeah. Adam and Alesa are precious and I'm so happy for them! But yeah I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and onto the story~!


"Ooo look! Guys we have to go on that one!" Eddie smiled and jumped out of the car as he pointed to one of the tallest roller coasters at the fair. Aleks gasped "YES! It'd be so fun! Right James?" Aleks glanced over at him, finding him looking up at the roller coaster in fear. "U-uh s-sure..yeah. Can we uh- get on something..smaller..first?" He answered nervously. Eddie cackled on the inside 'HE'S AFRAID OF HEIGHTS HA. NO RIDES FOR YOU, YOU DICK~! And more time with Aleks~!' Aleks frowned "Yeah if you want. You alright, babe?" James smiled nervously and looked away from the metal death trap. "Y-Yeah I'm fine. Let's just go get tickets and stuff." Aleks looked at him concerned before he said "Alright.." Aleks walked ahead and James followed, glaring at Eddie when he saw laughing silently at him. Eddie sighed lightly as he followed James and Aleks to the closest ticket booth. Once they got their tickets they let James pick the first ride to get on. He picked one called 'The Ring of Fire' that was just a circle and the seats just went around it. James frowned, second guessing getting on the roller coaster but looking at how excited Eddie and Aleks was he knew he couldn't let Eddie be alone with Aleks. So, begrudgingly, James got in the almost non existent line and followed behind Aleks and Eddie toward the front of the ride.

He gulped as he was led into the seat next to Aleks with Eddie and a short, brunette guy with thick rimmed glasses sitting in front of them. "I'm so scared..So sorry if I scream." The guy stated as he held onto the red bars over his chest. Eddie giggled "Don't worry 'bout it dude. You won't be the only one screaming." He snickered and glanced over at James causing him to frown. 'Was it that obvious I'm afraid of heights?' "Thanks man. My name's Tyler by the way." Eddie and Aleks smiled kindly at them. "Well I'm Aleks. Next to you is Eddie and next to me is James, he's uh- my boyfriend." Tyler's eyes widened "Oh cool! Nice to meet you guys! If we come out alive I'll introduce you to my friends!" Aleks smiled "Alright!" Before they could say anything else the operator for the ride yelled "Everybody ready?!" James and Tyler gulped while Aleks and Eddie cheered. "Let's do this!" Eddie screamed making the operator laugh. "Alright! Let's go!" He went over to his panel and pressed a big red button. The ride started slow, rocking back and forth and getting higher and faster by the minute. James found it wasn't too bad until the ride started to go the full circle, extremely fast. Eddie and Aleks were laughing while Tyler and James were screaming, though James was gripping the seat handles so hard that his hands had become white and Tyler was starting to laugh after his screams. After a few more times around the circle it started to slow down again before coming to a full stop at the bottom.

James rushed off the ride quickly, feeling like he would throw up at any moment. Eddie and Aleks started to talk to Tyler again but noticed that James was missing. Aleks frowned when he saw him leaning on a trash can nearby. Eddie giggled quietly after Aleks walked over to help him. "Is he gonna be okay?" Tyler looked over at James then back at Eddie as he shrugged, smile still on his face. "I dunno and I really don't care." Tyler raised a brow "What? Why? That's a little mean, Eddie." Eddie's smile faltered a bit "Yeah well..James has been a dick to me and to Aleks. He doesn't deserve Aleks.." Tyler looked at him for a moment before he sighed "Oh I definitely know that feeling." Eddie looked surprised "Really?" Tyler nodded "Yeah I'm uh actually here with them. Adam and me haven't really spent anytime together since him and Alesa got together so he asked me to come to the fair with them. I...hate her. She's so mean to me and even worse to Adam. I just want him to be happy and she's not the right one for him.." Eddie frowned "I'm so sorry Tyler. It's the same for me too..James has pushed me away from Aleks for so long. I just let them be because I thought Aleks was happy but then we went out to a cafe. Everything was fine until Aleks spilled our drinks over himself. I expected James to be concerned about him but he just insulted him. Called him stubborn for refusing his help and clumsy because he slipped on an already wet floor! But now we're here and I'm gonna do everything I can to get Aleks to see that I love him..even if it means making James mad. I don't give a f*** about his feelings after that." Tyler's frown deepened "The f***? That's so stupid! I can see why you don't like him now. If Alesa did that to Adam..I know I'd flip..But yeah I think I'll take that idea of yours too. She doesn't deserve Adam at all..Oh hey I'll introduce you guys to them and let me know if she's just as bad as I think she is." Eddie nodded a small smile on his face "Alright. Let's do it." "Let's do what?" Aleks smiled as he walked up with a sick James leaning on him. Eddie smiled as he focused on Aleks "Oh Tyler wanted us to meet his friends." Aleks smiled "Alright. Where are they?" Tyler smiled a little. "A trashcan nearby probably. Alesa can't handle heights well." Eddie held back a laugh. "Alright let's go meet them shall we?"

Tyler nodded and the four took off, finding the other couple close by. "Hey Adam! Alesa." Alesa was leaning over the trashcan with Adam standing next to her with a hand on her back. Adam turned and smiled softly at Tyler while Alesa sent a glare his way. "Hey Tyler. Were ya been bud?" Tyler smiled at his concern "I met a few guys while I was on the ride and I wanted you to meet them. This is Eddie, Aleks and James." Adam directed a kind smile to the three men while Alesa just frowned. "Hey! My name's Adam and this is my girlfriend Alesa." Alesa's frown deepened but she gave a little wave and said stiffly "Hello." Eddie smiled at Adam before he shook his hand and reluctantly shook Alesa's hand. "Nice to meet you Adam and Alesa. I'm Eddie and this is Aleks and that's James." "Nice to meet you!" Adam smiled widely as Alesa hooked her arm around Adam's arm and said in a happy tone that was as fake as her smile. "Yes. Very nice to meet you." Eddie shot a look to Tyler making him laugh silently behind the two.

After everyone met, the two couples and third wheels spent some time together playing some carnival games and riding rides. Though Aleks, Eddie, Adam, and Tyler were playing the games and riding the rides together while Alesa and James stood back, both getting highly upset that the supposed third wheel was spending more time with their partner than they were. Soon enough Alesa got tired of it and said stiffly. "Alright. We had a great time with you guys but we have to go." Aleks, Eddie, Adam and Tyler frowned while James smiled. "Awww do we have too? I was really enjoying myself.." Adam pouted causing Alesa's frown to deepen "Yes. We've been here since the fair opened and I'm tired." Adam looked really sad as he said "Fine..Come on Tyler." Tyler's frown deepened "Wait. Eddie gimme your phone and take mine." Eddie smiled as he took Tyler's phone and put his number in it and Tyler put his in Eddie's phone before they traded back. "Call me fox boy." Tyler joked and Eddie giggled "Sure thing tato!" Aleks and Adam frowned as they watched the exchange, showing obvious jealousy to everyone but themselves. Eddie smiled and waved as the three left, Alesa dragging Adam by the arm and Tyler trailing behind.


 That's it for this chapter! There's like two chapters left and there might be an epilogue. I dunno yet but yeah hope you guys enjoyed~! Imma go fall into my bed now. See ya guys in the next one~! :3


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