The Smoke Clears

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Ello Readers~! This chapter is a little longer than the other ones! I wish I could've put this up earlier but I had some homework to do. It's was art homework so I didn't really mind :3 But yes! Onto the story~!  


"So what are we doing next?" James turned to Aleks but Aleks just frowned "I don't care." He snapped as he turned and started to walk away. Eddie looked a James, silently asking him what he did to make Aleks angry but James just glared at him before he hurried after Aleks, wanting to be the one to comfort Aleks. Eddie frowned in concern as he trailed behind James, having a feeling that he was at fault for Aleks' current behavior. Eddie found Aleks and James at a food tent. He frowned, hearing their conversation before he could get close to the tent. "What's wrong with you Aleks?! Why are you acting so- so difficult!?" James yelled at Aleks but Aleks just frowned deeply as he yelled back "I'm not being f***ing difficult! I'm just want to take a break and sit down for a minute by myself but you had to come over here!" James looked shocked before he frowned "It's f***king Eddie isn't it! You weren't acting like this until him and Tyler traded numbers!" Aleks' frown deepened "Are you serious? Eddie's always the first person you put the blame on! I'm so f***ing sick of it James! How hard is it for you to just get along with my best friend?!" James' frowned "REALLY F***ING HARD OKAY!" Aleks' eye closed into slits "Why the f***k is it 'really f***ing hard' to get along with Eddie? He's done nothing but try to get to know you! He was so happy for us when we got together but all you've done is treat him like absolute s***! What has he done to deserve that?!" James opened his mouth to yell back but stopped himself then shook his head. "You're so f***ing blind.." He mumbled before he stalked away with a yell of his shoulder. "I'm going to the car. Do what ever the f**k you wanna do." Aleks frowned and stared at James' back as he left. 'The hell did he mean by I'm blind?' He sighed and looked down, confused, tired and close to tears.

"Alley?" Aleks sniffled as Eddie's soft voice met his ears, the softness of it making him want to spill all his feeling. Instead he just stared down at his hands, feeling his tears start to blur his vision as he answered "Y-yeah?" "Are you alright?" Aleks was silent for a moment before finally, knowing he couldn't lie to Eddie, he shook his head. "...No..." Seconds later, there were arms wrapped around him, surrounding him in warmth and comfort. Aleks buried his face into Eddie's shoulder and cried. Eddie was rubbing comforting circles in Aleks' back while whispering reassuring words in his ear. They stayed like that for a while, until Aleks stopped crying. He didn't wanna move at first. 'I feel so safe here...I've..never felt this safe before..I- I have to get up.' Aleks sat up and wiped the rest of his tears away. "T-thank you, Eddie..." Eddie smiled at him "It's alright Alley. Do you feel any better now?" Aleks smiled at his concern and nodded "Y-yeah. I feel a little better." Eddie's smile got a little bigger before it faltered at his own question. "Great! The fair is close to closing..did you wanna leave now?" Aleks frowned 'I don't wanna go back to the car yet...wait! The Ferris wheel!!' He looked over to the huge brightly lit wheel and smiled "Nah. Let's get on the Ferris wheel first." Eddie followed his gaze before he stood and held out a hand for Aleks to take. Aleks chuckled and took his hand.

"After you Alley~!" Eddie smiled brightly and Aleks laughed at how happy Eddie suddenly got. "Alright then, come on!" They raced over to the almost nonexistent line. After a few minutes they were sitting in the circular, closed in seat with Aleks sitting across from Eddie. Eddie was staring at Aleks as Aleks stared out of the little window. Suddenly Aleks looked over and caught Eddie staring. Eddie immediately blushed lightly and looked away. "..Eddie?" Eddie slowly looked back up at Aleks "Yeah Alley?" Aleks frowned before he sighed "You've uh- You've been in love before right?" Eddie nodded, a little nervous and confused by Aleks' sudden question. "Yeah..Yeah I have. Why do you ask?" Aleks looked down then took a deep breathe. "What does- What does love feel like?" Eddie blinked before he gave a little smile "Love..Love feels amazing. You get so happy just to see the one you love and you want to stay with that person for the rest of your life. You can imagine a future with this person just by looking at them. And you start to find everything that person does absolutely adorable. All of their imperfections make that person perfect in your eyes. When your in love you want nothing but the best for that person...even if that means hurting yourself." Aleks felt everything click into place at Eddie's words and looked up at him with wide eyes. Though, before he could say anything the doors to their pod was opened and Eddie smiled as he went to get off with Aleks behind him, still in sort of a shock.

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