Can I Move Back In? [Finale]

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 Ello again Readers~! This'll be the last part if I don't do the epilogue. I still dunno if I wanna do one or not so let me know if you guys want one! But yeah I hope you guys enjoy~! :3


Aleks smiled lightly as he closed the door before he focused on his car and frowned at it's only occupant. He sighed and walked back to the car and got in. The couple remained silent as Aleks brought the car to life and pulled out of Eddie's driveway, moving toward their shared home.

After a painfully short ride, Aleks pulled into their driveway and turned to face James and sighed again "James. We need to talk." All the anger James felt before melted from his face into a look of shock and nervousness. "O-okay, Aleks. What do we need to talk about?" Aleks shook his head "Not out here. Let's get inside." James could only nod as they exited the car and walked up to the house. James prayed the dogs were awake to change the dreadful mood they were in, if only for a moment but there was no one to answer his prayer as when the door opened there was no scurrying of feet or barks to indicate that the fluff balls were awake. Aleks walked into the living room and sat down, silently waiting for James to sit next to him. James was scared, usually talks meant something really good or really bad. He hoped it was something good. He frowned as he sat next to Aleks. "What is it Aleks?" Aleks sighed as he looked down "Do you love me James?" James' eyes widened "I- Of course I do Aleks! Wh-What made you think anything different?" Aleks looked up at him in disbelief "What made me-? Are you serious James? Cause I hope you aren't f***king serious!" James frowned and remained silent, his answer very much clear to Aleks. He glared at James "You're f***king serious!! Oh my god, James! Did you not hear yourself every time you've insulted me instead of comforting me in a time of need?! You never show any kind of affection with me! The most we do is hold hands, kiss, or hug and that's only when I'm trying to make friends!! I need to feel appreciated! Loved not hated, okay! That's why- I'm done James."

James' eyes widened so big Aleks thought they would pop out of his skull. "Wha- What do mean done? Aleks..?" Aleks frowned "I'll be leaving first thing in the morning." James looked like he was about to cry "No Aleks..You can't be serious! Think about it!" Aleks chuckled humorlessly "I did, James and my decision is made. We can still be friends but...we're over." James fell to his knees as Aleks stalked back into their- no, James' bedroom and started to pack his and Mishka's things. The only thing that was bad about this situation in Aleks' eyes at the moment was never seeing Ein again so with a frown he finished packing everything and put the suitcases by the door and then he set off to find Ein so he could play with the lovely little fur ball one last time. He found her curled up next to Mishka and he felt a pang in his chest at having to split the two up but, he couldn't stay with James anymore. He sighed and sat down next to the two sleeping dogs and started to pet them both as he thought about the events that just took place. He could hear James sobbing in the living room but he could care less at the moment, still quite upset that James didn't see what he was doing to him. So he laid down next to the dogs, stroking them both with a small smile slowly growing on his face. 'I'm to go back to Eddie. I know now what I've felt all these years wasn't what I thought it was and..I'm strangely okay with that..' With that thought Aleks dosed off to sleep with a big smile on his face. 


The next morning, Aleks groaned as he felt his face being licked. He swatted away the two dogs and wiped his face before he looked down at the them with a sad smile. "Hey guys.." He sighed heavily and hugged Ein before he stood and picked up Mishka. "I'll miss you Ein..See ya girl." With that he walked out the room and back into the living room. James was asleep on the sofa, tear stains running down his face. Aleks frowned before he shook his head 'I'm not sorry but...god..I still think he's a good person..just- confused. Should I write a note..? The hell is wrong with me? No, this is perfect.. I can sneak out of here and head back to Eddie's.' With a little nod to himself, he put Mishka in her crate, carried her out to his car and set her in the passenger seat. Then he went back and grabbed all of his things he had packed the night before and put them in his trunk. Just as he closed the trunk, Ein came running out the door barking at him. He smiled and kneeled down to meet her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2015 ⏰

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