Chapter Three: Humanity

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Chapter Three: Never Tear Us Apart- Paloma Faith

Alex slept clear through the next morning. She knew it must’ve been about ten by the way the sun looked through the windows.

            The windows.

            Alex shot up and walked towards them. Maybe, if she lifted Olivia, they could break them in. Her mind was wild with thought when suddenly, the chain stopped short.

            She had forgotten all about the goddamned chains.

            She let out a defeated sigh before sitting back down against the wall. She hadn’t noticed Olivia was awake until she heard her voice.

            “Seemed like a good idea, didn’t it?” Olivia said softly.

            “Yeah.” Alex scoffed.

            “They’ve got to be looking for us by now”, Olivia said for both of their benefits.

            “I’m sure they are”, Alex said confidently.

            Olivia shifted her position and the chains rattled.

            They were both startled by unfamiliar footsteps coming down the steps.

            A skinnier man ran down the stairs. He crossed the room. Alex didn’t think he looked older than twenty. His face was pale and skinny and his eyes looked like steel. He crossed over to Olivia. “Hands out”, he commanded in a raspy voice. He stood a safe distance from Olivia. “Oh, one move and she’s mine.” He motioned towards a still Alex. Fear shot through her heart. His voice was colder and younger than Burnham’s.

            “Okay”, Olivia whispered. She held her hands out.

            He snapped handcuffs around her wrists. He took his own chain and wrapped it around Olivia’s ankles. He undid the one she already had on her foot and stood before her. “If one uniform comes in this house, or if any of us come down here and find you gone, one of the girls upstairs will die.” He grabbed Olivia by the neck and pushed her up the stairs before him. Alex was scared out of her mind.


            Alex’s jagged, uneven breaths were the only ones emitted in that cold room for what seemed like hours. Suddenly, the door opened and the skinny man came down the stairs again, holding Olivia by the shirt. He shoved her down the last couple stairs. Olivia hissed as her knees scraped against the concrete. He kicked her ribs and Olivia cried out.

            Alex sat up alert and panicked. The skinny man kicked her again.

            “When I say watch, you watch, bitch”, he spat out. He hoisted her up and punched her once, in the eye. Olivia whimpered and clutched her face. Every place he hit her radiated with pain. He had especially bony knuckles and he wasn’t hesitant to use them. He hit her around a little more and shoved her against the wall. Olivia didn’t make any more noises. He grabbed her shoulders and pushed her down. He redid the wall chain and undid his own chain. He left the handcuffs on. “You’ll get these off later.” He sneered. He turned and stepped loudly back up the stairs.

            Olivia started crying softly. She curled up in pain.

            Alex took her face in her hands, inspecting the damage the skinny man did. The right side of her face was already swelling and her collarbone was bruised. Her body was covered in marks. But her tears were the worst things about her. “Olivia, what happened?”

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