Chapter Seven- The Nightmare

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Chapter Seven: Letters From the Sky- Civil Twilight

Olivia woke up to the covers being yanked off of her.

            She shot up and looked around. She didn’t see anyone there. She turned and saw Alex tossing and turning in her sleep. “Damn”, she said, carefully watching the other woman.

            Alex started whimpering softly in her sleep. Her bony hands clutched the blankets in fists. A single tear escaped from her closed eyelids.

            “Alex!” Olivia shook her. “Alex wake up.”

            Alex’s eyes snapped open and she looked at Olivia with pure fear. She shook her head. “It’s okay. I’m fine. Bad dream. Go to sleep now.” Her words were slurred and she dropped back down onto the pillow. “Go back to sleep, Olivia. Everything’s fine.”

            “Okay”, Olivia whispered.

            “I’m fine. Go back to sleep, Olivia.”

            “Okay, Alex. I’m going back to sleep.” Olivia lay down and turned towards Alex’s body, which was facing the wall.

            “Everything’s fine, Olivia. Go back to sleep.”

            “Alex, I’m laying down. I’m closing my eyes and I’m going back to sleep now.

            Alex made a sound like she was choking and repeated: “I’m fine, go back to sleep.”

            “Alex?” Olivia said worriedly. She flipped Alex over and tried to look at her face, but it was too dark.

            Alex turned over and curled up. She was shaking beyond belief and a feeling of worry shot right into Olivia’s heart. Olivia dashed up the stairs and turned on the light.

            When she came back down, Alex hadn’t changed positions at all. Her eyes were wide open and didn’t seem to react at all to the light. “Alex? Honey? Are you okay sweetheart?”

            Alex didn’t answer but smiled. Her lips trembled and it seemed like she struggled to move. “Everything’s fine. Go back to sleep.”

            Olivia soon realized Alex was having a panic attack. She approached her carefully. Alex’s hands shook and still she smiled. Tears ran down her face and the corners of her lips remained upturned. Her body trembled and she said, “Everything’s fine. Go back to sleep. Go back to sleep, Olivia. Why aren’t you sleeping? Go back to sleep.”

            “Sweetheart, can you sit up for me?”

            Alex did as she was told but never took her eyes off Olivia. She still smiled.

            “Can I touch you, Alex?”

            Alex nodded. “Of course. But you should be sleeping. Go back to sleep.”

            Olivia scooted towards Alex on her knees. “Okay. I’m going to touch you now.” She put her hands on Alex’s face. “I’m going to put your head between your knees, okay?” She did it with no response from Alex.

            Alex’s head was between her legs for a few minutes. Then, she looked up at Olivia.

            The air was still. Olivia didn’t know what the hell to expect, so she didn’t expect at all.

            But she should’ve.

            Alex’s face crumpled and she collapsed on the floor. Sobs racked through her body and she brought her hands up to cover her eyes.

            She suspected that Alex hadn’t completely come to emotional terms with her rape, for Olivia’s benefit. She knew that in Alex’s mind, she couldn’t show pain in front of Olivia because Olivia would feel guilty that she couldn’t do anything to stop Alex getting hurt. Instead of facing it head on, she was abreacting it now.

            Olivia usually became clinical when she couldn’t deal with her own pain.

            Olivia felt armor go around her heart and she drew Alex to her. Alex reached out and gripped Olivia’s hand with her life. She cried and cried, for a long time.

            For you, I would’ve done it a thousand times.

            Alex would go through flashbacks, nightmares, and nights without sleep for her.

            For a sex crimes detective in the NYPD.

            She loves Alex so much, so fucking much. Her inner walls cracked slowly and she covered Alex with the thick blanket. She walked back up the stairs and switched off the light. When she came back down, she retreated to their “bed” with Alex. She wrapped Alex in her arms and whispered to her. “Alexandra Cabot, I love every single bit of you, and nothing will ever change that. You’re a selfless, beautiful human being and you are a gift from God.” Her voice cracked and her eyes filled with tears. “You’re too good to be true.”

            Alex had quieted by then, and her fingers touched Olivia’s face. She leaned in close and kissed Olivia’s tears. “Don’t cry, Olivia. I love your mind, your body, and your soul. We’ll be okay in the morning.” She kissed Olivia’s forehead. “Now go to sleep.”

            Olivia stroked Alex’s hair and her tears subsided. She fell asleep peacefully, at last.

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