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Nothing happened.

I replayed those words in my head over and over.

Nothing happened.

So what did the picture mean and why did Reece lie to me?

I retired early from the party games because I needed to seriously think over Liams words. He's never given me any reason to mistrust him, but the picture was so clear about what was happening and so was his body language. If I chose to believe him, what did this mean for us?

Get the Keys. Lola x

I rolled my eyes at my text message, Lola was not going to give up about these stupid keys. But maybe tonight was the best night to get them. I felt like I had made progress with Liam in some way and if he caught me stealing the keys we would just laugh about it. So I waited until the muffled laughter and loud conversations quieted down and everyone retired to their own beds. I gave them all a chance to fall asleep before I made my move.

I tiptoed down the hall, dodging all of the creaky floorboards and hovered outside Liams door. It only occurred to me now that I was about to get the visual and I didn't know if I could handle that. I took a deep breath and turned the door knob, forcing myself to be brave.

The room was in complete darkness and it took me a few moments of blinking for my eyes to adjust. Heavy breathing came from the bed but I tried not to look that way, instead I just scanned the room for any shadow that could be his jacket. I felt around with my hands but nothing felt familiar so I looked towards the bed.

Reece lay starfished in the middle, her chocolate brown hair fanned out all over the place and her mouth was open slightly to allow for the heavy breathing. Liam wasn't here.

I left the room wondering if he had returned to the waterfall. I tiptoed down the hall and checked in the spare bedrooms, most of them were unoccupied except one.

The room was in darkness but the en-suite door was open allowing in the bathroom light. It gave me just enough vision to see Liam sleeping soundly in the bed. My brows furrowed at the sight, why was he sleeping alone?

I glanced around the room spotting his leather jacket draped over the chair in the far corner. Sheepishly I edged into the room, closing the door behind me and letting my socks glide against the floorboards so I didn't have to constantly lift my feet. I kept checking if he was asleep even though I didn't need to because the cute snoring told me he was, I just wanted to look at him.

He was here, he was safe.

My fingers found the jacket, I forgot how heavy it was. I dipped my hand into each pocket searching for his keys. Pills, a condom, his phone, loose change and the friendship bracelet baggie was in there. But no keys.

He still kept the friendship bracelet on him.

I lay the jacket back down and glanced around the room, looking to see where the keys could possibly be. He had one hand resting under his pillow and the other tucked under the blanket and I knew instantly where the keys were.

I slid over to the bed and really carefully patted my hand under his pillow, careful not to disturb him in any way. I couldn't feel them, so I pushed my hand further in until it was resting dangerously below his head. I couldn't move it and I couldn't feel the keys.

So I used my other hand to slip in under his blanket and pat around his mattress, I hit his naked chest a few times and he grumbled but I froze immediately and thankfully it didn't wake him up. Gingerly I tried to yank my hand out from under his head but I was just disturbing him more.

I had one last try of pushing my hand further under the blanket, desperately patting down the material under my palm for any trace of jangle.

Two silver eyes shot open widely, he flew backwards on the bed just to get away from me allowing me the free space to stand up straight and retreat my hands back. He was completely lost to the darkness, battling something major in his own head. His body visibly shook and the fear in his face was too far gone to pull back.

BAD BOY SAVED (female pov)Where stories live. Discover now