chapter 8

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Deejat thani
Khadijat sani gana

Episode eight

Asmau cough for the tenth time trying to gain lubna's attention,which she did because lubna turn away from her phone staring at her.

Are you okay? You have been coughing since.

Asma smile am fine,it's just cold buh i will be fine.

Are you sure?

Asmau smile yes just go back to your chatting,it seems important,cause you have been on it since.

Lubna smile typing on her phone,are you jealous asmy.

Asma lay down  dropping the book she's reading,No why would i you just seem far.

While i was just chatting with some friends.

Asma smile seeing that the conversation is going the direction she wants it to.

Yauwa that reminds me,lubna did you hear from fidyan?

Lubna turn to look at her with a dirty grin on her face.

Look whose worried about him,she tease asmau.

Hey lubna don't start getting ideas i just asked seeing that his not been around and islamically it's allowed right,beside his nice that's the least i could do.

Lubna burst out of laughter dropping her phone,seriously asmy can't you be real to yourself for once,she face asma who is pretending to look for something in her bag,sis it's not bad to like a guy or care for him most especially if it's fidyan his cute, nice,caring and rich,babe i know there is no a thing like 100% but i think fidyan is up to that.

Asma stopped what she's doing,luby i just ask if you heard from him,i don't know why you are changing the topic.

Lubna sigh you are hopeless,she pick her phone continuing with her chat,asma still hasn't hear what she wants to hear so she tap her.

Hey baki amsa min ba,is he okay and why is he not in school for days now?

Lubna eye her see babe you have his number so call or chat him up and stop bugging me am trying to sweet mouth my babyboo here.

Asma hiss going back to clearing her bed to sleep,cause she know lubna wouldn't say a thing and she definitely can't chat him what will she even say,hey it's asmau the girl you hug the other day,she shake her head nahhh,never i wouldn't do such thing.

She close her eye hoping to get some sleep but she still couldn't,she heard her mind telling her to just quite the drama and just call him,buh she didn't either she force herself to sleep.

The next day bross offer to drop them at school,he brings out an envelope giving each of them one,girls here is a little something for you,asma collect smiling shyly thank you bruh,he smile it's nothing you guys should just make us proud.

He turn to lubna and you i know you, hope you are not misbehaving here,Yaya no now am not off that lane.

Hahaha really so you mean,ke yar jamia ne now.

She wink yes now,he laugh okay o hope so,off you go girls.

They turn to leave when he stopped them,spend wisely girls.

Insha Allah,they turn and leave.

Lubna kept monitoring asmy whose eye was on the side fidyan always park his car she didn't see him there,so she look over at his sitting place he wasn't there either,she turn about to talk to lubna when she caught her staring at her.

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