chapter 9

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Deejat thani
Khadijat sani gana.

Episode nine

Fidyan and asmau walk to class chatting,from far lubna saw them coming with her friend smiling face,she wink at the boys laughing,guys looks like asma has finally give in,they look and saw them talking and smiling,hassan sigh well that's my girl i knew it would happen,she was just scared,hussain nod yea okay if you people don't want them to know you are talking about them let's turn and go find sit,before the sit get taken.

Am telling you my mum was laughing at me when i told her the way you behave around me,at first i got really upset untill she remind me of something i always tell them.

Asmau smile and whats that.

Fidyan sigh closing his eye well i only burst around telling everyone including her that my game is so strong that any girl i approach will never dare say no to me,she smile at her buh with you i learn i was just a learner i have to up my game really high to even get to talk to you.

Asma smile staring away because fidyan is not willing to look away.

Seriously baby you are different from all the one's i knew before,worldy things don't intrigue you most especially you are beautiful,asmau smile blushing fidyan chuckles and when you smile and blush at the same time it makes a guy want to faint,he pretended doing that which made her laugh.

Well is that a bad thing?

He nod no dear it's really a good one.

Asmau smile looking at lubna and the rest going in,let's go before we loose the chance of sitting.

Fidyan nod yea right let's do that,they walk to class with him holding her because of the crowd asmau isn't use to another man other than ya isah holding her buh in a day this guy has just proven to her that it can happen,this whole dynamic is new and feels somehow to her.

Ihsan entered the house and saw hanan running out of the kitchen with an apron on her.

Hanny are you okay?

Hanan breath holding her chest well i was just saved from burning my skin.

How and why?

Well you see i came back early so i decided to fry a little chips for us buh turns out the oil has another agenda,she look at her hand turning it.

Ihsan laugh dropping her bag well that God you are still intact.

Hanan heard the mockery in ihsan voice,really is that what you have got to say.

Ihsan lay on the bed well hanny every girl get scars from cooking one way or the other in your case sef it's totally normal being that you can't cook.

Hey am learn okay hanan defended herself.

Ihsan raise her hands closing her eye sorry.

Hanan turn to leave but stare at her friend she look worried,so she went in and off the gas coming back.

Ihsan open her eye seeing her on the bed,har fry din yayi?

Hanan shake her head forget about it and tell me what's eating you up.

Ihsan sigh getting up well it's mama she's getting me worried i hope what she does with me she dont do with my sisters back home.

Okay so what does she does to you?

Ihsan told hanan everything that happened hanan why is she like that.

Ihsan smile the whole point of this story i know buh thank your star's we both know who the source of the money is and she tap ihsan i know you to be a good girl you can't stoop low to go look for money the way you are thinking,so chill when we go back home try to talk to her she's your mother she will understand.

Ihsan sigh i hope so hanny.

Hanny smile getting all happy okay guess what?

Ihsan roll her eye hanny what's it now you know i can guess now am feeling down.

Well that's why am trying to tell you something that will cheer you up.

She got up well my bruh is back and his going to visit us tomorrow being friday for the weekend.

You don't mean it ihsan shout.

Well that's the true,ihsan got so excited her crush is coming.

Hanan laugh well that's the smile hey don't go getting carried away and telling him you like him o.

Ihsan eye her haba am i that stupid,hanny got up who knows?

No you didn't just say that they start running around the room all you could hear is there laughter.

Amanda clear the house knowing saddam is coming back today she prepare a nice meal for him and got herself ready too,immediately he arrived the started eating up each other face in a heated kiss,i miss you amanda well i miss you more,he laugh are you sure trying to undress her,she laugh yes he nod okay let me find out if you really did,she laugh helping him undress too.

Boss i think we are about to have a problem,munir stare at him why?

Well umar heard what you did to his boy in the lecture theater he got really upset and promise to make you pay.

Munir laugh well am waiting for that.

Boss he plan on confronting you today at school in front of everyone.

Munir nod well then let's get going,he get up entering his car they enter and left for school.

Munir was about entering the hall when he saw umar sitted with some of his boy's.

Munir munir or should i say boss long time we haven't see buh yesterday you step on me,munir laugh well i didn't know i did that how.

Umar got upset seeing munir trying to make him look stupid,well i heard what you did to my boy and it was disrespectful to me.

Didn't you mama teach you Manner's,he laugh ohh sorry i forgot she's too busy running an empire well the other guy is busying traveling around for them to put some sense in you fool.

Munir didn't expect umar to use his parent against him,that made him loose focus all he wanted to do now is beat the hell out of umar but he can't seeing people recording them already and his not ready to get expel.

He sigh going close to umar about to talk when he heard her voice.

You don't have to be as foolish as him by replying him,they all turn and saw hanan coming she stood beside munir shaking her head.

Don't bring dowb your standard to his,we all saw what you did yesterday and what we witness isn't cowardness but a brave man willing to step on(she turn to umar eyeing him)any trash who thinks bullying ladies is the way to fame.

Umar got carried away but her insult what gave this chic the right to talk to him like that.

She tap munir can we leave i think our business here is done.

John and the rest who are speechless nod agreeing to her plead to leave because they are afraid of umar everyone is expect munir buh now hanan also.

She realise munir got hit badly with umar's words so she hold him dragging him out of there with the boys following them.

*Morning guys my promise fullfilled so enjoy not edited thou bear with me*

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