chapter 14

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Deejat thani
Khadijat sani gana

Episode 14

*okay guys today is kind of a happy day for me so i decided to type & yea i repaired my fon and got lot's of ur prayer's tnkc so much*

Muhsin got home and told his parent ihsan and him,they were so happy,son don't worry immediately they get back we will take a step,muhsin nod smiling okay guys enough of the future talks table is ready and am sure ihsan has already eaten but my boys here are busy talking about them,alhj laugh tapping muhsin boy let's go eat i can't afford my wife's jealousy.

Muhsin laugh getting up to the dining hugging her, mum take a chill pill because no ihsan talk can make me forget your tasty meal,they all laugh while she serve them.

Days go by while they all get sucked up in their relationship lives,ihsan and muhsin talk every given time they get even when his at the office,she end up scolding him before he gets back to work.

Boss and hanan walk her to her class with him holding her bag while she writes on a paper for him,lot's of people feel it's a dangerous thing for her while others think he has change probably because of her,so i guess the list is ready right?

He peep in the paper she's writing,banner's,stickers,campaign chairman ,he look up to her why am i seeing different names apart from the one's i listed she roll her eye well because i don't see it fit that your thug friends suppose to be the ones to campaign for you.

But why i for onr think my campaign will move faster if it's them seeing that it's only a month before that.

Well thats why  because people are scared of your thugs,he eye her hey stop calling them that,they aint thugs?

Hanan laugh ohh really so are they supposed to be your friends,she asked stopping in front of her lecture venue.

Well yes i guess they are because since my coming to the school they are the only people i hang around with,she sigh well am not saying they are bad am just saying it will be nice you associate with normal students so they will see your sweet side you know she wink at him collecting her bag,maybe ladies too you can even hold bags for them too.

No way so they can raina me ke haba bazan iya ba he look scared about her suggestion.

Hanan laugh heading to the hall munir have fun feel free and lighten up,you don't always have to be uptight,she ran into the hall not waiting to hear his ranting.

Hey am not up tight he said to a thin air,he sigh smiling munir what are you turning too,he turn to leave when he saw some of the people staring then he remember her advice"try mingling with some other people not just your thug"he smile at some of them walking off.

Asma get up let's  go eat am hungry lubna whine.

You guys should go fidyan is on his way coming he ask me to wait,just go i will wait for you guys just get me something too,she nod okay akeelah and her went off to the cafeteria to eat,asma continue chatting on her phone waiting for him she perceive some saint so she raise her head only to be eye to eye with a beautiful rose she  smile looking up at him.

I was going bye a small store here and i saw this rose and it remind me of you baby he hand it to a blushing asmau,she smell it smiling thank you baby,he raise up his other hand and i figure we will be hungry so i did some takeaway for us.

Awwwwn ain't you so cute and romantic thank you handsome,he sit close to her opening the bag for them,she remove one of the spoon to eat but he stop her by feeding her she smile opening her mouth to eat fidyan smile feeding her and him at the same time they were every happy eating and gisting

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