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Y/N's brother was anything but nice to her.
Getting home Y/N was beaten, for just simply existing. Neither of her parents caring, but your parents would abuse you, mentally.
When you get home from school, your brother would occasionally beat you. Your parents came up to you one day, stopping you in your tracks.
" Your grades are dropping. You're such a disappointment. "
" Aoba Johsai's teachers aren't teaching you well enough, you're switching schools. "
" Shiratorizawa's teachers are much better. "
Your parents say, educating you on your forced switch.
You wouldn't fight back verbally, but you had a couple ideas pop into your brain. You weren't gonna say them.
' But they're both prestigious schools, they teach the same things, what does it matter? '
" Give me your phone then go to your room. Do your work and then study. "
Your mother speaks, and you reach into your pocket passing it to her.
You walk up the stairs to your room, sitting on your bed.
You sigh, falling backwards.
" I guess i have to... "
You get up, pulling your work out of your bag. You pause for a moment, deciding if you should actually just- draw.
You decide not to, and just do your work.

An hour passed, before you get up. Your head hurt, and trying to open the door you seemed shocked.
It's locked.
This wasn't something that happened, ever. It was the first time, actually.
" h- "
You were about to call for help, before remembering, nobody would care.
Why the hell did your door lock from the outside anyways?
You clench your stomach, putting your hand on the door so you didn't fall. you hadn't eaten anything all day. The kids at school stole your lunch. Your parents always said 'fuck breakfast'. Of course you were in trouble, so you didn't get to eat dinner. It felt like your stomach was eating itself, and despite nothing even being in you to throw up, you felt like you could throw up.
You grab the spare yen you snuck from your parents, opening the window in your room.
You grab a branch of the tree that sat out your room, and slowly grab on more and more, before your body had stretched out as much as possible. You launch yourself from the window, before climbing down the tree completely.
You dropped a couple yen on your way down, quickly going to finding it and grabbing it.
" Hey, your name's l/n, right? "
His words caught you off guard.
You turn around to see Oikawa Tooru and Iwaizumi Hajime.
" Y-yeah...? "
You were confused.
'how the fuck does he know my name-'
" Why where you climbing down that tree? The window up there is open, are your running away or something? "
Oikawa asks, a confused, sort-of comforting smile on his lips.
" I wish... "
you mumble.
" No, I just need to go to the store and my door was locked. It lock- "
You felt dizzy, you collapsed on the ground.
" Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow... "
You clench your stomach yet again. Your hands dug at your side, and despite the pain you felt cause of the bruises there, your hands tighten.
" Hey! Are you okay?! "
Oikawa runs to you, Iwaizumi following him.
" I-I'm f-fine... "
You stutter out.
" Hey, it's okay. "
Iwaizumi says in a calm voice. It was comforting, but he didn't know that was all you needed to hear.
Tears started pouring from your eyes, small hiccups coming from you causing your body to shake on each.
" I-I'm fi-fine... "
You state, your voice seemed unsure.
" No you're not, but that's okay- here, i'll help you up. "
Oikawa and Iwaizumi stand up, Oikawa reaching his hand out to help you.
You look up and meet his eyes with yours. You slowly reach your hand out to his, your fingertips touching.
His fingertips swipe away from yours, his hand coming back and slapping your cheek.
'You'll never be enough, nobody's going to help you from my hell. "
Your hand retracts, causing a confused Oikawa to look worriedly at Iwaizumi.
" I- I'm sorry but i can't trust you guys. "
You slowly stand up, turning away from the pair.
" Well... whatever's wrong i hope it gets better... "
You genuinely couldn't tell which boy spoke that time.
You listen to their footsteps walk away, and then a pause. You knew they weren't gone so why'd they just- stop?
" Neither of us know what's wrong, but that doesn't matter. If you need us, don't hesitate to ask for help. "
You nod.
After the boys leave, you continue picking yen you dropped.
' Ask you for help? How do i know if you're gonna keep it a secret. Plus, i won't even be able to see you two so what's it matter? '
You thought, picking up the last piece of yen.
You head to the store, hands in your pockets.
Little did you know, at home, your parents were starting a war.
So, hi!!
I am aware that i have an obsession with xreaders, don't judge me :/
Anyways, i hope this was good!
(I really like this story so far, even if this is the first chapter. I'll get working on chapter two A.S.A.P!)
i will say so far it does seem like an Iwaizumi or Oikawa x reader but idc :,)

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