»Bruises and Blood«

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I know some people are triggered by blood, so if you are, please don't continue- there's not an imagery or anything.
Also, we talk a bit more about Y/N's bruises this chapter. (in general, a few of them)
You blink at the bright light, everything was blurry. Opening your eyes slowly, immediately being tackle-hugged by a crying Goshiki.
" L/N-Senpai!! You're awake! "
He seems to quickly remember what you told him before, letting you go.
You look over to see Aiko there as well, she's sitting in the chair.
" I'm glad you woke up L/N-san. "
You sat on the edge of the bed, looking around.
" Wait- where am I? "
You look back to Goshiki and Aiko, and they both look up at you. They seem- worried.
" The nurse's office, l/n-san, Reigen punched you in the face and knocked you out. You were bleeding quite badly- but that doesn't explain the rest. We took your jacket off cause we thought you'd get hot and there's bruises all over your arms. "
You look at your arms when Aiko finishes, before getting up.
" It's nothing... Just- don't tell anyone, okay? "
A hand grabs your wrist, pulling you back before you could walk to the door.
" It's not nothing! "
Goshiki says, tears pricking his eyes again.
" Fine- I transferred here due to issues with my old school. Bullying, and all that. I was made fun of and beaten so i transferred here. "
You lied. Although it was true, you were beaten and made fun of at Aoba Johsai.
" What time is it? "
You ask, looking at Aiko who was still sitting in the chair.
" 7:23, why? "
She says, confused.
You needed to get home. Now.
" I'm going home. "
You say, rubbing your eyes.
You put your jacket back on, grabbing your bag.
" See ya then, L/N-san. "
Aiko says, and you wave to her and Goshiki.
The next day you weren't at school.
Goshiki was off at practice, not his usual cheery self.
" Why aren't you being annoying, it's weird. "
Shirabu sighs, looking at the black-haired boy.
" I'm just worried about L/N-senpai- the girl who got me to sit with you guys at lunch..."
Shirabu's face went from calm-angry to annoyed/pissed-angry.
" Oh, the girl who seemed to scare Shirabu? We have a class together. She sits in the corner alone, drawing in an old notebook. "
A deep voice says, intruding into the conversation.
Shirabu wanted to slap this man so bad. He just scowls at him, walking away.
" Wait, you have a class with L/N-Senpai? "
Ushijima nods, and afterwards Goshiki seemed to be deep in thought.
At home, your father was beating you for letting people see the bruises and skipping school.
Tears came from your eyes, your father kicking your stomach.
He yelled, spit hitting your face.
Your father leaves the room, slamming the door behind him.
You curl up, holding your stomach.
The next day before your first class, you're approached by the tall boy you ran into two days ago.
" There is a bruise the base of your neck. "
He says, pointing at the spot. You touch your neck, before pulling your shirt up to cover it.
" Don't deny it. "
He says, and you shake your head.
" I'm not, stupid. "
You focus back on your drawing, before he looks down at the notebook. He notices a drawing you had scribbled out.
He sees your current drawing, it was a girl he slightly recognized-  what was her name? Aiko, that's right.
" Can you stop-? "
You ask the male, before he bows slightly and walks away back to his desk.
Your ability to draw astonished him. It was amazing how realistic it looked, but also being somewhat stylized.
At lunch, Goshiki forces you to sit with him and the volleyball team. You let out a sigh, following him as he dragged you to the table.
" Ushijima-senpai, is it okay if L/N-senpai sits with us? "
He asks, looking at Ushijima who nodded. You two sit at the end of the table, across from each other.
You were too focused on your drawing to even realize the raven-haired boy was watching you.
" L/N-senpai~~? Where's your food? "
Goshiki asks, and you look up at him.
" I forgot it at home, that's all. "
You make up an excuse, itching your forehead.
" You can have some of mine! "
He says, passing you his bento.
You smile ever so slightly.
" Thanks, Goshiki. "
You grab an onigiri, taking a bite out of it. He reaches and grabs some of the grapes in the box, a smile on his face as he ate them.
You finish the ongiri you took, focusing back to your drawing.
You had finished the drawing of Aiko, and were currently working on drawing the head for the next person.
" What'cha drawing? "
He asks, looking at the page.
" Ah- I was gonna draw you. "
You admit, tapping your pencil on the page. Then he noticed, it was taped together. Why?
The next day, you were surprised when you walked into class to see a notebook and some pencils on your desk.
A sticky note was attached to the notebook.
Dear L/N-san,
I noticed your notebook and pencils were beat up. I got you this new stuff. I don't know much about drawing or anything of the sort, but i hope i chose well.
-Ushijima Wakatoshi
You look at the notebook, opening it. You smiled slightly, glancing at the pencils.
'Hold the fuck up- these are mechanical- hell yeah!'
You internally cheered. The pencils were very well disguised as normal wood pencils, but were mechanical.
'I'll have to thank him later.'
You think to yourself, putting the stuff into your bag.
You kept one of the pencils out, not wanting to use the taped one you had.
Little did you know, the slight smile was all the thanks he needed.

ah yes, i am aware he kinda turned soft.
To be completely honest, he doesn't even know anywho-
hope life's good for everyone!

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