»War Zone«

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this chapter has some very abusive scenes in it.
This whole book will, until we get more towards the end.
Please do not continue if you are sensitive to physical abuse or bullying.
You grabbed [favorite snack] just barely having enough to pay for it.
Upon getting home, you climb back up the tree into your room. You climb through the window, seeing everything fucked up.
Your work you weren't even done doing, torn into shreds. All your pencils, snapped. Your bed sheets torn off and thrown onto the floor. But after examining your room, you look at the door, seeing your pissed father.
He stomped towards you, causing you to walk backwards slowly.
He said, smacking your face.
" I-I went o-out to ge-get food- "
You mutter, holding back the tears in your eyes.
His spit landed on your face as he spoke.
" I-i've been c-collecting m-money around sc-school... "
You say, before he grabs a fistful of your shirt, throwing you on the ground.
He says, loudly whispering and spitting in your face.
" ignorant bitch. "
He says, kicking your body on the floor.
Before leaving he punches you in the face, causing a bloody nose. He leaves, slamming the door behind him. You hear it lock.
As tears start rolling down your cheeks, you start cleaning up your room.
You heard your family fighting downstairs. Something stupid and small, but you then hear a wail from your mother. Then a thud. Someone threw hands.
You ignore the sounds, and finish cleaning everything up.
' Shiratorizawa... really? I mean, i've always found the name cool and all but- '
Your mother is shoved into your room, the door slamming after her.
" H-huh...? "
You look at her, your mother fuming.
Your mother walks over, punching you with all her might. She knocks you over, and starts kicking your side.
She growls something under her breath, dropping your phone on your head.
" Listen here brat, you're only getting this because you're not telling anyone where i went. I'm leaving you with your father and brother. "
She says, and you nod.

Your mother had taken the same escape you did, but she wasn't coming back. Ever.
The next day at school, people stared at your beaten form. Your cheek was slightly bruised, and you looked tired as all hell.
Nobody even bothered asking you about anything, and the day seemed to last forever.
Upon getting home, you were beaten again by your father who- was drunk?
It wasn't like him to get drunk, but yet he was.

Today was the day.
Your first day at Shiratorizawa Academy.
People immediately noticed you were new, noticing your extremely clean uniform and- your face.
You were simply finding your classes before a black-haired boy came up to you.
" Are you okay?! "
He asked, his voice loud.
" Uh-Uhm, yeah? Why? "
You stutter out, confused by the sudden boy in front of you.
" You have a bruise on your face! What happened? "
You touched your cheek.
" Ah- nothing. I'll be fine, it's just a bruise. "
He looked sad.
" Oh, okay... I'm Goshiki Tsutomu by the way, first year! "
He introduced himself.
" Uh- L/N F/N, third year. "
You respond and he bows.
" Wha- "
" You're my upperclassmen! I'm sorry for annoying you! "
You sigh.
" You din't need to apologize, Goshiki. "
He stands up straight.
" I'm gonna get to class early, see ya L/N-senpai! "
You slightly cringed at him speaking your last name. It just reminded you of your brother and father waiting you to come home.
You head to your first class, as you were walking into the room you ran into an extremely tall boy with dark hair similar to Goshiki's, just- minus the bowl cut.
Hell, it looked green with the light shining off it.
" Sorry. "
You apologize, shuffling back slightly and letting the male into the room. You follow after, noticing a very unwanted seat in the corner of the classroom. You sit at the desk, propping your head on your palm.
Bored, you grab the notebook from your bag, putting it on your desk. It was a simple lined-paper notebook that had torn pieces of paper, certain pages were crumbled and had words on them, but you didn't care. You just wanted to draw.
You really only had the notebook cause of your father, who threw it out when it was no longer of use to him.
It was just filled with old things from where he used to work before he was fired.
You pick up your pencil, starting to sketch out a room. You slowly add small details, a bed, shelves, a desk, posters of favorite animes, anything you wanted really.
You wished your room looked like that. It didn't, it was simply nothing like what you actually had.
Maybe in the future, you'd have a room like that. Maybe.

At lunch, you secluded yourself, sitting outside beneath a tree in the shade. Opening your bento, you sigh.
" L/N-SENPAI!!!! "
You hear the raven-haired boy's cry as he ran up to you.
" What- "
His arms were reached out to you, 'tears' coming from his eyes.
You flinched slightly as the boy latched onto you.
You closed your bento, hoping the boy wouldn't notice the lack of food in your area.
" Shirabu-san won't let me sit with the team at lunch~! "
He whined, nuzzling his face into your arm.
His grip on your arm was tight, it fucking hurt.
" Goshiki. Goshiki.. GOSHIKI! "
He seemed surprised by your sudden burst, letting go of you.
" Sorry. I don't want to yell at you, but i really don't like being touched. And uh- who's Shirabu? What team? "
You were very confused before he sat up straight.
" Shirabu-san is the setter of the volleyball team, along with Semi! They're both salty bois, so i wouldn't really try to be friends with them. "
He explained, waving his hands around as he spoke.
" Oh, you're on the volleyball team? That's cute. "
You spoke out, the slightest hint of a smile on your face.
He turned into a tomato in an instant. You said his hobby, something that he liked, was cute.
" Uh- so- do you want me to come with you so you can sit with the rest of the team? "
You ask, if he stayed any longer he'd notice your lack of food.
" You'd do that? For me? THANK YOU L/N-SENPAI~~!! "
He was about to hug you before remembering-
' Right! No touching L/N-senpai! I can do that! '
He stands up, and you stand up after him.
" Lead the way, Goshiki. "
He heads inside the school, going to the cafeteria. It was loud. You didn't like it, but you didn't want Goshiki sitting with you and noticing you had nothing to eat. Don't get me wrong, he's a good kid! Just if he found out you didn't have food you doubt you'd be able to make up an excuse.
" Right there's Shirabu-san. "
He points to a boy with a boy with light brown hair, sitting at the table with one person who you recognized. You didn't know his name, but you did run into him earlier.
You inhale, and exhale not too long after.
" C'mon. "
You say, heading you the table.
" Hello. "
You say in a monotone voice.
" I'm L/N F/N, as you probably knew, this is Goshiki. "
You point behind yourself to the black-haired boy.
" Let him sit with you. "
You say, your face turning slightly angry.
The boy didn't say anything, but just nodded slightly.
You internally laugh, and Goshiki goes and finds a seat.
You start out of the cafeteria, stopping at the doors upon seeing two boys, one against the wall, the other pinning him on the wall, his fist up ready to throw a punch.
You sigh inwardly, ignoring the boys and passing the pair.
You heard one yell, presuming it was the boy who was about to be throwing punches.
You ignored the pair as you continued down the hall to the well, entrance/exit of the building- you find the spot you sat at before had been taken by a girl, sobbing her heart out.
" Uhm. "
You mumble, not sure what to do with the situation.
The girl looks up at you, tears rolling down her cheeks. Along with her makeup, sorry- ew-
She mumbles something inaudible, and with a sigh, you sit next to her.
" You Aiko? Dunno if that's last or first but i heard some guys fighting over you in the hallway. "
She nods.
" Tha-That's my ex... and i pr-presume hi-his brother... i broke u-up with h-him cause h-him and his br-brother kept on fight-fighting over m-me... "
She hiccups out, rubbing her tears.
" God, boys are overrated anyways. "
You say, trying your damned hardest to cheer her up.
" You shouldn't have even dated him in the first place. "
You laugh at yourself slightly, Aiko looking over at you. She laughs quietly before rubbing away her last few tears.
You pull your bag to your side, grabbing the notebook from it along with a taped-together pencil.
You doodle the girl as she fixes her makeup, adding each little detail, from her patches of skin that were lighter than the others, to the little acne-looking-like dots on her thighs.
You were too focused on your drawing to realize that the girl was looking at the notebook.
" Waiitttt- is that me! "
She asked, a smile on her face as she looked at you.
You were snapped out of your trance by the girl's outburst, and you nod sheepishly.
" Aiko, babe! "
You hear a boy's voice call, looking up.
The boy who was gonna throw hands-
Aiko frowned at the ground, before looking at you for help. She mouths the word 'Ex' at you, and you nod slightly.
" Aye, dipshit, she broke up with you, leave her the hell alone. "
You stood up, and were walking towards the boy.
You were caught off guard by a fist being slammed into your cheek, knocking you out.

Aiko is actually an oc of mine, i'm hoping make her a friend of Y/N's. I'm not sure, but i think she'll just make occasional appearances.
Oh, yes- i know, i know, WHERE'S USHIJIMA?! he made an appearance, i mentioned that y/n recognized him from when she ran into him at class.
(he'll be appearing next chapter, don't worry.)
n e ways
hope this chapter was good, i dunno-
Uh have a good day/night!

-Emily, the Shiratorizawa and Nekoma obsessed loser

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