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it had been a week since atsumu had been admitted to the hospital.

he didn't think much of it, it was just extremely lonely and cold. to his surprise, the blonde didn't get many visitors at all. sakusa visited a lot, so did his brother, hinata came sometimes, but no one else seemed to care. atsumu forced himself out of the thin white blanket that he was given to him the day he arrived, and went to sit by the window where his phone was charging. a small smile crept onto his face when he unlocked his phone to a message from sakusa.

sakusa: should i come visit today?

atsumu: yeahyeah!! u don't have to ask!!~ヾ(^∇^)

sakusa: what time?

atsumu set his phone down to think, leaving the messages up. what time should he come? he knew the slightly taller male had volleyball practice at 7 pm, so would it be better for him to come before or after? furrowing his brows, atsumu fixed his gaze on the ceiling. 'if he came after he'd probably be tired and not stay for long.' he thought to himself. 'and if he comes before, he also might not stay long or end up being late-'  those thoughts were soon interrupted by the buzz of his phone against his thigh. atsumu picked the device up again.

sakusa: you there?

atsumu: srry! yea! i dont have anything important to do today, so come when u feel like it <3

sakusa: right- i'll be there around 10 tonight if that's ok?

atsumu: of course omi-kun :D

sakusa: right, see you then.

atsumu: i'll be waiting!!!


atsumu sat on his bed, staring at the door and tapping his foot. it was 10:30 now, and atsumu was starting to believe that his friend wasn't actually coming. he sighed, dramatically flopping onto his back and bringing his arm to lay across his forehead. "omi-omi," he pouted. "how dare you abandon me like this?" just then, kiyoomi swung the door to atsumu's room open, dragging a suitcase behind him which the lanky male assumed was stuff from volleyball. "shut up, i was packing." miya sat up with a confused look on his face. "packing? what for?" he rested his chin in the palm of his hand, watching as sakusa set his things in the corner beside his tv. "it's already almost 11, so i decided to just stay the night" the black-haired male shrugged, kneeling down to pull a book out of the red suitcase. "so, how are you feeling?" he pulled his mask down and sat next to atsumu, carrying the book with him. "i've been.." he paused, sticking his tongue out of the corner of his mouth. "i've been alright. lonely, but alright."

 the two friends sat in silence for a while before kiyoomi cleared his throat and spoke up "has your mom came to see you yet?" the smile that was once on his face faded, and was replaced with a frown. "no, she hasn't. i text her but she doesn't respond. 'samu said she misses me, though. so i guess that's-" snoring. sakusa was snoring. "omi?" he turned his head to the side, glaring once he saw the other male sleeping. 'didn't know i was that boring, he fell asleep fast.' atsumu scoffed, slowly scooting over so that kiyoomi wasn't pressed right up against his shoulder, then covered his frame with the blanket. luckily it was big enough for the both of them, so miya wouldn't have to freeze all night. the blonde reached over the sleeping male to turn off the lamp on the bedside table so the soft glow no longer filled the room. "goodnight omi-kun.." he mumbled, a light shade of pink began to spread across his cheeks. "i love you."

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