Chapter 1

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Armed & Dangerous

Chapter 1




     "God damn it! She didn't mean let go of the vase, you idiot!" An orange haired male cop yelled, face palming.

     "Drop the gun." Another cop, female this time, ordered slowly as she glared at the criminal in front of them.

    The man was visibly terrified, shaking in fear as he slowly brought his hand to the ground. He gulped and used his left leg to kick the weapon towards the two police officers. The orange haired cop quickly walked up, gun still trained on the man as he used his foot to push the weapon towards them. He was extra careful as to not get finger prints on it. Though, he'll soon find out that the evidence won't be needed.

    "Jet, did you dial-" the other officer was cut off by him, which made her pissed.

     "I've already called for backup and I also dialed Detective Heartfilia." He informed her. The female's eyes began to twitch as she glared, laughing almost maniacally.

    They could hear sirens coming closer to them, which made the thief more scared.

     "Didn't I tell you not to ever cut me off, Jet?" Her voice was deep and threatening, even more so when she said his name. He gulped, almost feeling equally as scared as the bad guy.

    "A-Ah, yes, you have, L-L-Levy." Jet stuttered.

     "And you should know how I deal with problems by now, don't you?" Levy smirked, flicking the safety off her gun as she readjusted her aim on the man across from them, who was glad he was wearing black. Otherwise, everyone would be able to see how much he was sweating due to this oh-so-powerful female cop. Jet gulped and nodded once more.

     "Please... d-don't shoot me! You can bring me to jail but don't shoot! I have a wife... and, and two little girls!" The guy pleaded, clasping his hands together as he begged towards the bluenette. Levy growled.

     "Maybe you should've thought about that before breaking and entering, first degree murder of two children, and stealing. And breaking the damn vase." Jet said as more officers, their backup, filled the room.

    "Put your hands back up! Not to mention rape. Do you think those people didn't value their own lives?! Had families of their own?! You have domestic violence charges, you aren't allowed to use your family to free you!" Levy barked loudly. The criminal yelped and held his hands back up in the air once again.

    "I can bring you to jail? Who put you in charge, ass! Don't tell me what to do. Besides, if you do go to jail, you'll be in for life so what's the difference from killing you now then you dying in jail?" Levy went back to the thing he said earlier in their conversation. She slowly walked towards him, heels clanking against the floor as she lifted one leg and put it swiftly in front of the other. She put the gun to his forehead, causing him to gulp.

     "Th-The difference? Uh... you get the good feeling of not killing someone?" He said slowly as if it were a question. Levy applied pressure using her pointer finger. A gun shot went off seconds later, blood splattering everywhere, including Levy's clothes.

Armed & Dangerous ~Gajevy~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant