~ His favorite facial feature ~

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Your eyes.

The reason being that, your eyes hold so much innocence in them. Every time he remembers what life he lives, every time he hears the screams of his victims' family in his nightmares, every time he remembers the blood shed he has created from many people, he just looks into your eyes and finds the innocence he wishes he had. He looks into your eyes, hoping to find what he's been longing... a home. He wants, no he needs you to guide him through the darkness he has created. He just wants to escape it all. He never wanted this life. He just wants to get rid of those terrifying screams that he keeps hearing in his head, over... and over... and over again. He hates it. So when he stares into your eyes he finds peace. The peace he's been longing to see. The peace he's been longing to reach. To touch. To grasp in his hand, and never let go. Your e/c eyes help him. When he stares into them, it's like staring into a river of kindness, emotion, passion, determination, but most importantly, innocence. Peace. And love. Your eyes lead him closer to the light he's been longing to reach for so long, every time he stares into them. He hopes one day, he can have the same passion, and innocence you have. But lord knows, he has a big price to pay for his sins. And once he gets out of Vincent's grasp, he's gonna work. Work on getting a better life, for both you and him. Work on earning the little forgiveness god may have for him. He's never going to fully be forgiven of his sins, they will always haunt him. But once he gets to start a real life with you? That's all gonna change. For the magnet inside your eyes, pulls him further out of the darkness every time he looks at them. Every time he looks at your


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