Rough Night

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"You let Adorabat go off alone!?" Mao Mao yelled as they neared the aerocycle.

"I didn't have much choice! One of us needed to figure out what was up with you, and I knew you wouldn't talk to her!" Badgerclops turned to aerocycle's security system off so the cat could mount the vehicle. Once they were both on, Mao Mao reaved the engine to life.

"I don't care if I'm on my death bed, you don't let her go off alone! She could get hurt!" They took off on the direction of the town, which was being trampled by a giant lime green lizard monster.

"She's not the same kid we met when we first came to the Valley! She can take care of herself in a fight!" Badgerclops could tell this argument was going nowhere when the cat didn't respond, and gave up. At least he knew Mao Mao never faked his stubbornness.

They found Adorabat fighting the monster with her sonic screams. She hardly noticed the two when they arrived, to busy trying to get the monster away from Muffin's bakery. The sheriff gestured to the badger.

"Badgerclops, get it's attention!" The deputy nodded and began firing shots off at the creature. The next few moments happened in mere seconds.

Mao Mao dove under the giant lizard while he was distracted. Careful to not be noticed by the monster, the feline hero unsheathed his golden sword. Badgerclops noticed this and looked as he continued to open fire.

It was as if the cat were a shadow, moving quickly and silently as he inspected the hard scales that made up the beast's hide. The cat finally came across a spot that had a missing scale, revealing the pinkish flesh beneath, completely exposed and vulnerable. Mao Mao stabbed Geraldine into the spot, causing the monster to squeal in pain. Even in a Lucky Ducky jacket, the cat could be scary when he wanted.

Mao Mao darted out from under the beast and ran at a broken wagon, using it to spring board himself at the monster's face. Badgerclops feared the sheriff would be injured as the lizard raised it's large paw. It was a close call, but Mao Mao's foot collided with the nose of the monster before he could be shredded to pieces. He landed gracefully on the ground as the monster screeched and retreated, fleeing from the Valley.

"That was awesome!" Adorabat yelled, swooping through the air and smashing into Mao Mao, hugging him tightly. The hero did his best to stay upright under the surprisingly string child.

"Yeah man, that was so cool!" Badgerclops jogged over to his friends, relieved to see them both in one piece.

"It was nothing." The cat waved it off, trying to sound to full of himself. He was obviously loving the praise.

"Why are you wearing a Lucky Ducky jacket?" Adorabat suddenly asked, gazing up at the hero with questioning eyes.

"Uh, well..." The sheriff trailed off, not sure what to tell his little deputy, "I kinda...kinda..." Mao Mao's words became slow and sluggish as he stumbled.

"You okay, buddy?" The badger prepared to catch the woozy looking cat.

"Yeah I'm...fine..." The whites of Mao Mao's eyes rolled up into his head as they closed. He then proceeded to fall forward, luckily Badgerclops caught him.

"Mao Mao!" Adorabat exclaimed, "Badgerclops, look?" Using the tip of her wing, Adorabat pointed out a small cut on the cat's ankle. The monster must have scratched his ankle, but that didn't explain...

"Venom." The word left the badger's mouth in a eerie whisper. He'd seen a few animals with venomous claws before, but they were never as big as the lizard monster.

"We have to get Mao Mao to a hospital!" Badgerclops rushed the cat to the aerocycle, Adorabat hot in his heels.

"Come on little buddy, you gotta be okay. Please be okay." Badgerclops muttered under his breath the entire way to the hospital, praying his friend would be okay.

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