Chapter I

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Once again, she lay in her bed, staring up at the ceiling. Alone. Sometimes it felt like Alone consumed her, like Alone had eaten her up in one bite, swallowed her whole, it felt like she now was slowly being digested by it. She hated being alone because being alone wasn't really being alone, it was having herself as her only company, and she hated it. Other people might have found her annoying or repulsive, but at least they didn't have to live inside her head 24/7. She, however, had no choice; while others could easily walk away, she had no escape. It was unfair.

Her leg had fallen asleep, but she didn't bother to move. There was no point in doing anything. She had thought it would have been different once she transferred to another school. She thought she would have made new friends. She had been wrong. It was still the same as always. People never seemed to like her, no matter how hard she tried. It didn't help that she wasn't that good in school either. In the end, she had just decided it was better not to go. Nobody even cared whether she went or not; her parents hadn't even noticed. They didn't care about her.

The only person that was even remotely nice to her was Carmina. She and Klaus always hung out; they were good friends. Carmina would always let her come with them when they went somewhere, and she used to answer all her questions. If only Klaus wouldn't hate her so much and always drive her away. She guessed Carmina was right; that's how brothers are, but at the same time, she knew he was right. She was annoying them; Carmina only pretended like she wasn't. After all, to them, she must have seemed like a little kid, even though she practically already was a teenager. But who actually wants to hang out with their friend's little sister?

"Get a life", he had said when he thought she didn't hear. "She's just pretending." It hurt because it was true. She had been pretending. She knew exactly where the keys had been, but didn't he see that she didn't have any other choice, but to pretend they were lost? Sure it was an excuse to see him, but she couldn't very well hang around without a reason. That's why she had to come up with her own reasons. It was so easy to pretend to lose things, so much easier than to explain that she was so utterly, deeply lonely that she'd do anything for a bit of someone's attention. Ugh, listen to yourself, she thought. She was beginning to see what her brother had meant; this was pathetic. "Get a life, Mia," she said to herself and turned to her side.

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