Chapter IV

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Alone had consumed her again, and this time she felt like it wouldn't let her go. From now on, she didn't have anyone. Her parents hadn't even noticed her distress as she had run up the stairs with tears streaming down her face, barely keeping the screams in. Dad had only yelled at her not to stomp on the floor too loud because he was having an important meeting downstairs. As she thought about it all, new tears welled up in her eyes. Now she didn't even have her own brother, because they had fought and she was sure he never wanted to see her again. There was no one left to go to, not even Carmina. Mia thought about it for a while. It was true that Carmina was her brother's friend, and Mia had only met her because she followed after him and because Carmina had tolerated her. That's what Klaus had told her. Mia wondered if it was true. Maybe he was wrong. Maybe Carmina actually had liked her; perhaps they were even friends. She hesitated as she picked up the phone. If Klaus had been wrong, she still had one person left. Then she wouldn't be totally alone. Her fingers trembled as she dialed the number. There was only one way to find out. She pressed the button and held the phone up to her ear.

Beep... Beep... Beep...

Mia waited in suspense. She quickly wiped her eyes and cleared her throat, unsure of what to say. It didn't matter. Nobody picked up, and after a while, she was transferred to an automatic message.

Hi, this is Carmina, I'm busy at the moment, but I'll call you back another time. Okay, byee! Beep.

Stony-eyed and drained Mia put down the phone. The small flame of hope that had flickered inside of her had burnt out at last. Now her heart was fully empty, and she fell down on the bed as she cried her eyes out.

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