Chapter Three

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Chapter Three- princesses, birds and twinkles.

The two boys watched on in silence as the ordeal in front of them grew. but when Malic called on big bear she showed absolutely no fear, maybe a hint of amusement. this made the boys more curious, this dirty honey blond haired girl,-with the front part of her hair on the left side dyed blood red with a black streak- was about to face a 25 year old man that is bigger than her, yet she is so calm? She must be crazy. they knew what boys in gangs like these can do to girls- not that they EVER participated, they stopped and tried to stop it many times- but this girl seams different from the rest, there is just something about her.

Before bear attacks her she looks over and catches their eyes, she gives them each a once over, examining them, and they her too. she is tall, just under six foot, hair that comes to under her shoulder blades, forest green and gold hazel eyes, she is quite obviously fit, her black hooded t-shirt, kaki cargo pants and black combat boots show that she's not a girly girl.
when there eyes lock an over welling feeling of knowing her from some were hits, but when she looks away to focus on her opponent, they just shake it off. She just smirks dropping her black backpack,then got into a fighting stance. the boys smirked, her stance was perfect, big bear and the rest of the boys for that mater are in for a surprise.

Big bear lunged at her, she just ducked out of the way, side stepping him and putting her foot out tripping him slightly, before getting back in her stance. he threw a punch that she blocked, then another but this time she caught his fist,snapped his wrist, punched him in the face, kicked him in the guts, kneed him under the chin and somehow managed to flip him over her, causing him to land flat on his back, out cold before he even knew what happened. "Anyone else want a go? Come on, who's next?!" She looked around her
Every one looked on completely shocked silent, trying to understand what just happened while the boys ready, then she smirks and laughs "what? Like you said, I'm a girl! Hahaha, look how the tables have turned"
A slow clapping brakes the silence and all heads turn towards the boys, the raven hairs boy smirks "well that was impressive princess, certainly showed them, hay Malic ". Her face hardened and the blue eyed boy elbows him in the side.
"Hey bird boy are you stupid, I'm pretty shore we already a stablished that she doesn't like girly nickname. your basically asking for a death wish"

Max's POV
Three things stuck in my mind.

1. The asshole of a gang leaders name is Malic
2. 'Malic' addressed the raven haired boy as 'bird boy'
3. He called me princess!

'Malic's' statement didn't seam to affected the raven haired boy, he simply chuckled as he folded his arms over his chest "see, the difference between our 'nicknames' is yours was an insult, mine was a complement" i tilted my head to the side confused, Malic scoffed and the blue eyed boy just rolled his eyes and shook his head "oh yeah, how so?" "Well she's obviously 'superior' to this bunch" then he shrugged his shoulders. I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow at him "huh, well then thanks for the complement" he smiles, is a really cute but sexy smile that would make any other girl swoon, I can already tell this guy is cocky
The blue eyed boy shook is head a gave his friend a look.
Bird boy speaks up again " so what's the plan boss,hmmmm?" " Bid boy, twinkle eyes don't you have a job to do?" He snapped back, he just put his arms up in surrender "whatever" then 'twinkle eyes' dragged him off.

As soon as the boys are out of sight Malic's mood changed back to its cocky easy going one, talk about bipolar. "so, I have a proposal for" I rolled my eyes "Max" I reply quite bluntly to his an asked question. "well Max, my offer for you, is to join my gang!" He exclaimed throwing his arms in the air for affect. "so what's the catch?" I ask raising an eyebrow. " what do ya mean?"
"You know exactly what I mean, I ain't stupid. what do I get out of this and what do you get?" He smirks "well then, stait to business. ok so you get a place to stay, food and hot shower, I get a new gang member and you don't beast the rest of them to a pulp"
"That's it? Hahahaha, you want me to join so I don't beat up the bunch of weaklings?"
"I don't know,i don't really want to get caught up in all the gang shit"
"Well you won't have to do much, just keep the gang secrets, don't beat up the other gang members and maybe occasionally I will ask if you want to help in a job" he shrugged his shoulders
"Alright, why not"
"Awesome. this way" he says getting up and walking down an ally way.
The walls are coveted in graffiti and the ground in rubbish, at the end of the ally there are two doors, the one on the right red, and the one on the left purple.
Malic knocked on the red door five times and a voice from the other side yelled "STATE YOUR NAME, STATIS AND BIUSSNESS THE THE PASSWORD!"
"Malic, gang leader, and adding a new member. the password is oil"
"Alright, can't wait to meat the new guy" I stiffened and I saw Malic smirk a little before it vanished. the door opened and we stepped inside. behind the door was a tall 20 year old boy with a hot pink mohawk ( wa
Hats with 20 year olds and mohawks?!). "dude, I know your the boss and all but why are you letting a girl join the gang" he looked me up and down and his eyes darkened "unless you got her for a bit if fun" he smirks. I could see Malic physically trying to stop his smirk and laughter
but this dude was just making me mad
" So a girl can't join a gang unless she's for sex huh, so whys that?" He starts laughing "because girls are weak, the only thing they're good for is pleasing a man" well that did it. this basted is gonna pay.Malic broke and smirked. I chuckled, it was a dark unfriendly chuckle that promised pain.
Before he even knew wah at hit him he was on the floor with a broken nose, several ribs, a fractured collar bone and missing a few teeth, not to mention the bruising. "still think girls are only good for 'pleasing a man'?" I snarl in his face while Malic just bursts into laughter.

Malic leads my threw the house and every one literally stops what they are doing to stare at me, thank god when Malic said "go back to you business" they all did or I would of probably made a few cry. He led my down a hall and we stopped outside a door " ok so this is your room, it has an en suite so you don't have to share with the boys" "you mean so the boys don't try to stupidly perv on me and end up dead" "yeah something like that. anyway, we have a couple of rules:
1. I'm the boss so what I say goes
2. Any secrets or plans you overhear or are apart of are not to be sheared with anyone but me.
3. No deliberate fight picking
4. No reviling the hideouts to anyone
5. We change the password every few days so be shore to pay attention or you'll get locked out.
And that's about it"
"Cool, simple enuf, well then thanks for the room night"
"Good night Max"
Then I shut the door, I quickly did a room check, (finding all the exits, hiding places, things that can be used as weapons, places to hide weapons, etcetera,) before dropping my bag and flopping strait into 'my' bed. I rolled over onto my back and looked out my window at the dark night and the bright full moon, and couldn't help but think about those boys, bird boy and twinkle eye? There was smithing about them, and they where compleat opposites, dark and light, like the moon and the sky. I pushed all thoughts about them from my mind, forget about them Max, you'll probably never going to see them agin anyway.
with that I cleared my mind and fell into another restless sleep full on nightmares

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