The sleepy bois

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"Who are you?" Whispered the tall brunet with antlers.
"I'm...." Niki dug deep into her memory to retrieve her name
"You don't sound too sure-"
"That's because I'm not."
"I have no clue... I died, I think that's why I-"
"You died?!"
The man couldn't help but show the shock in his voice, after all, he thought he was sane but then again she seemed so real; Niki was definitely there.
"Umm- anyway," he said, trying to move on from that surprising situation,
"I'm Wilbur."
"Wilbur..." Niki said, trying out the name
"Wilbur's a nice name."
"Thanks!" Wilbur said smiling, "niki's good too."

His eyes were dark, deep brown, like his hair which was wavy and fluffy and bounced all over the place when he walked; but his most prominent feature was of course, his antlers. they were scaly and rough, black like midnight but with a certain shine that was entrancing. A bit like his personality. Wilbur was kind, and seemed funny so far and Niki couldn't seem to try and break the conversation first, a good sign of friendship.

"So," Wilbur said as they walked together through the trees, "where are you from? I haven't seen you around before,"
"Well, when I was alive I was from Germany," that much she knew for sure,
"Germany...?" Wilbur said confused, almost like he didn't know what it was,
"What about it?"
"Never heard of that, only know the DreamSMP, Eboys SMP, Idots SMP."
"SMP? Do you not have countries?"
"But, those are countries,"
"Yeah! Those are countries!"
"Why do they all end in SMP?"
"That's just how it is." There was a tone of finality to Wilbur's voice that assured Niki that he didn't want to try and discuss that kind of thing and she was slightly insane for suggesting such a thing, for suggesting that those weren't countries. he must think less of her now. Theres no way a smart, charming man such as Wilbur would wouldn't judge her for that! thats what people in her old world did, judge her.

Wilbur must have noticed how tense she was, or understood how scary it must be for her here- especially after being told her home doesn't exist.

"i may not know where Germany is but i really like your accent," something about the way he said it made Niki's heart flutter and she smiled sweetly back at him.

the grass was damp and dew hung in the air like heavy mist that swirled around trees so mysterious and beautiful that it took Niki's breath away.
"It's nice here isn't it,"
"Yes... it's gorgeous,"
They exchanged side smiles.
The trees towed above them as if they were the remnants of an ancient race of giants turned to redwood pines that smelled like pine needles and grass after rain. Wilbur had spent much of his childhood running through these while his dad watched from above and made sure he didn't know his head or antlers on any of the low-hanging branches, which was much more common now (him being 6'5 and all).  He explained all this casually to Niki who seemed Interested but to Wilbur's surprise, intrigued about his childhood.
"We? Us? Do you have brothers or cousins or what?"
"I have two brothers, they're called Tommy and Technoblade."
Niki could have sworn she'd heard those names somewhere before...
"That sounds nice! I don't have a family here right now,"
"You can stay with us if you'd like!"
Wilbur wanted to make sure Niki was happy and if she had to find her own home- or god forbid stayed with dream... No, he would just have to explain it to Phil.
"Thank you," Niki said quietly. She had decided that she was probably not loud enough to be heard over Wilbur's family considering how he'd described tommy to her.

Apparently he was quite the little gremlin child.

Anyway, she was fine being quiet wasn't she..? It was better to keep everything to herself..!
She didn't need to share her opinion did she?

"We're almost there!" Wilbur spoke excitedly.
He was definitely enjoying showing Niki around where he used to spend his time and despite showing no signs of being eager to meet his family she was looking forward to getting to know them (she also wondered what kind of wings or horns of tails they'd have).
"Phil!" Shouted Wilbur
"That you Will?" replied a deep and friendly voice from some sort of cave with a now emerging circular wooden door...
Like  a hobbit hole.
"Yes dadza,"
"We'll come on, it's getting dark and I don't want another techno situation,"
"Yeah ok." Wilbur sounded deadly serious which made Niki wonder what could have happened to techno when it got dark out.
"I have a funny idea- I'll come in and you stand right behind me, understand?"
"And then when Phil like, welcomes me home or whatever step out and surprise him!"
"Alright..?" She didn't see how that would be funny but she'd give it a go.

A few moments later, they put their plan into action.

"Welcome back will," said philza smiling, "you've been gone for a few hours and tommy took that opportunity to steal techno's  crown, and as you can tell it did not end well.... for tommy. He's currently in his room sulking." This made both of the laugh but Niki frowned,  trying to conceal a chuckle, Philza's laugh was infectious and lit up the room already within seconds of even seeing him. But the most impressive part of him was not his green and white striped bucket hat or his black cloak but his magnificent birb wings. They were back and grey and umber tones bobbing in the wind but holding their weight unlike Niki's did.


Shock. Silence.

"Wilbur who is this."

"Um- eh- her name is-"

"My name is Niki."
"Well niki it's nice to meet you,"

Awkward silence.

"So, how did you meet Wilbur,"
"Wait- did you think-"
"I think he thought-"
"So do I-"
"We're not dating."
"We're not dating."

"Oh- sorry where did you find Wilbur then"
"When i crash landed i landed next to him and he said I could stay here- if that's ok, that is,"
"Of course it's ok!" Philza shit Wilbur a look that said clear as day 'next time tell me before you invite a random girl ,who crash lands in the forest next to you, to stay in our house'

"Go meet my brothers Niki, first door in the left is Tommy's, right is techno's. I need to speak to dad for a second,"
"Oh, ok"

The house was nice, like I hobbit hole, made of smooth birch and dark oak, polished so much you could see your reflection and on counters, lots of quartz.

Pushing open Tommy's door, she spotted in the darkness, a young boy, she couldn't guess his age but no older than 16 at most, and he had small pointy devil horns that gleamed red and his eyes narrowed when he saw her.
"A-a-a woman"
"Yes I'm a woman-"
  he shrieked in shock and slammed the door in her. What an odd child.

Techno next.

Door opened. An older boy, maybe 20 or so, was facing away from her quite deliberately, but she could make out pink hair and red robes from the angle she was seeing him from. Slowly, he turned to look at Niki directly. His face was almost human. The only different parts were his upturned, snout like nose, pointed ears and sharpened, fang like teeth. Features similar to a pig, she thought. In his hands, was a crown. She came and sat next to him.

"Hi techno,"
Just as Niki was about to speak again, techno began.
"They're taking about you in there, you know."
This took her off guard, how could he hear through the walls? Maybe his pig ears gave him better hearing?
"I'm going to go talk to them,"
"Good luck"

They were both strange in there own ways but techno seemed more lonely than anything. As Niki walked out of the room she noticed that one of technos's eyes was pale and blinded.

Jeeeezzz this took ages to write. I have no idea what to have happen until the very end so leave suggestions :) <33

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