Who is "dream"

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That next morning, when the pair woke up, the bitter air gnawed at that cheeks, the dead and blackened fireplace was burnt out with a strange stillness that few means can replicate... like going to a school after dark or a theme park when no ones there. The early morning rays blossomed into the frigid room like petals floating on the breeze and before the sun had properly left its mark in the ever lightening sky,  Wilbur's eyelids began to flicker....

The dawn light was bright, sure.
It stung his eyes and it took a few moments whether minutes or only seconds, he couldn't tell, but as Wilbur gently began to turn over to stretch out his aching limbs (and maybe grab something to eat like a cookie or some cereal)
he discovered an extra weight leant on him: Niki.
Maybe it was how early it was or calmly she lay, but Wilbur could help admiring her face, how beautiful her eyes were, how pretty her face shape, how soft her lips looked- no. He couldn't think things like that.... she was his friend.

"W...Wilbur..?" The short, blonde, winged girl stuttered, waking to realise there was someone staring at her intensely but... as she slid her gaze over to look at him, with what felt like puzzle pieces slotting in, her eyes fell into his deep, bright, fawn eyes. Niki shuddered slightly and fell backwards onto the armchair they were in front of with a sod cushiony floomp. Goosebumps prickled on her slim, pale arms but Niki was too tired and surprised to notice the cold.

Not at least until Wilbur threw one of his large, cosy jumpers at her and said
"I bet your cold, huh."
"Well... yes I suppose so,"
"What do you mean?" Now, his tone was casual and just normal but Niki being the slightly socially awkward person she was, responded,
"Well- um- I mean yeah I'm cold but it's- but I didn't even notice really,"
"It's fine," Wilbur laughed, his eyes shining.

They both thought at once.

That was such an awkward conversation to start the day with and blinking at the clock Niki realised it was only 5:30 am.

"It's way too early for me to be alive right now." Wilbur yawned, running his hand through his fluffy, beautiful hair until it fell in the right place;
"Oh my gosh it's so early I could just collapse and fall asleep again- right here in the floor!"
"Well if you just... keeled over on the floor I'd try my best to catch you but I cant make any promises so please just don't my reactions aren't fast enough,"
This was followed by a sleepy chuckle and the sound of some sort of drink being poured into a mug.
"Ooo is that coffee? I would die for some right now."
"Whats coffee?" Wilbur replied confusedly to Niki's shock and dismay.
"Is 'coffee' like.... a big thing in Germany?"
"Not just Germany but literally all over the world where I'm from,"
"I mean... there's a lot of people who don't like coffee and even I don't live it but what I need right now is energy so you can't blame me for wanting caffeine," Niki laughed sleepily and broke the stillness of the morning with her warm laugh that snapped through the cold and made Wilbur smile because when she laughed, he laughed.
"To be fair, there's no such thing as caffeine here, only water and milk so you world got us there," the tall brown haired boy grinned,
"No caffeine?! No coffees one thing but no Monster is another!" As soon as Niki spoke the words, so confidently she shocked herself, half of the words in the sentence lost all meaning, like a fog, a blue fog was forcing her to forget ANYTHING that could link her to whatever bad thing happened.

Niki hello?
You still in there Niki?
"Niki are you alright?!"
"Niki answer me what wrong??!!" Wilbur was sounding desperate but she could snap out of it. She was stuck in that little vision of her own mind but she could see something. A screen... actually, three bright glowing screens: a computer setup- not that she knew what that meant, only she understood that that was one of them.

"Niki... what's wrong?!"
Niki couldn't breathe. Her terrified, icy breath caught and snagged in her throat and she choked and sobbed into Wilbur's chest because as soon as she met reality again Niki collapsed into Wilbur's arms, his strong supportive hold comforting her.

"I saw something... I don't remember what it was called, a 'com-comp....' something like that but I don't know why but it scared me but what's even scarier is I can't remember so much stuff and not like amnesia but I can remember it but something like that happens-"
"You're telling me this has happened before."
"Only once or twice when I was falling asleep..."
"Niki you should tell me these things, If I didn't care about you I'd have left you in the woods a week or two ago and you scared the shit out of me please- oh no, come here again."
The shaking and sobbing angel had tried to walk back to her seat but almost collapsed again so Wilbur ran over and held onto her, she responded by resting her beautiful face against his chest as they drew together into a hug. She could count his heartbeat.

Slowly, they sat down on the sofa and Will whispered to her in a soft, kind voice,
"Hey, do you want to go into town later and check out the market? They've put up a new statue and dad'll want to see,"
"Sure, it'll take my mind off things,"

After a few hours and a hearty breakfast of nothing but b r e a d, they disbanded, the two early risers drifting closer to each other over the course of every few minutes, then looking up because their shoes were scuffed by the Sandy, dry earth and they'd started kicking each other's feet. The pair would apologise and move apart only for the same process again. Maybe it was them wanting to stand next to each other, maybe it was because the path was so FCKING TINY. Yup.

Something no one reminded to tell the new girl, was that the path, the long and winding path surrounded by towering trees and beautiful birds, was the smallest, thinnest path that she'd ever seen. It was only really big enough for them to walk single tile but walking with one foot on the damp grass worked alright she supposed. What Niki would secretly have liked the most, was for Phil, the fatherly birb man, to teach her how to... well... fly. Niki wanted nothing more than to soar away.

There it was! The tips of shops and market stalls came into vision over the trees! On top of a hill, there sat a small set of stalls, each with a different coloured roof : red and white, blue and green, black and purple, as well as many more. Each sold something different it seemed.

One short trek later (and an envy of how Phil flew up) they reached the top of  what felt like a tiny mountain. While he left techno and tommy together, Phil stayed with Niki and his son, Will. Because Will wouldn't leave Niki.
Wilbur was usually very independent, not wanting or needing anything or anyone else but now Niki was here and especially after this morning, Wilbur would not leave Niki's side. Dadza didn't know what happened, but what worried him was how early his son woke up!

"Do you want to see the statue?" Phil asked "because I heard it's of Dream again."
"Again? They're so obsessed with him!"
"Who is 'Dream'?"
"...dad? You gonna tell her?"
"Dream is to some people, a sort of god. They worship him like a god anyway. They say he made the world and he'll reward you if you help him. And punish you if you don't"
"That sounds like a cult to me,"
"It does a bit doesn't it."

On the path made of gravel, stone and dusty earth the trio encountered two new people, new to Niki at least. One had a blue shirt and deer ears and tail, one had a bandana and burning rods of orange and yellow circling him. 
"SapNap, George," Phil said
"Phil, Will, you." The British one answered,"

They walked on. Niki decided not to ask what kind of animal the one with a bandana was.

Then they saw it. It was made of not metal nor stone,  but something softer, like clay. Niki stared up at the face. His hair was messy and covered by a hood, but his face was obscured by a smile mask.

Smile white green black dream SapNap GeorgeNotFound clay god dream dream dream dream dream dream minec-

"Niki- Niki no,"
The fog was setting in.
"Niki it's ok, I'm here, try to calm down, I'm here it's ok,"
"Niki, please just try and breathe for me,"

God damn this was a long one. Hope you enjoyed it! This is why it took so long, that and my school was doing our AP1 tests. This one delved more into backstory, and a bit more romance.
Again, hope you enjoyed and stay poggers yall. :) <33

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