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feb 27, 2020

THE NEXT DAY WHEN kennedy got to set she was stressed out. after filming the previous day, the kiss specifically, she had avoided charlie. she got immediate butterflies when she felt his lips on hers, it was insane. she still didn't understand her feelings for him, but what she did know is that her leaving with booboo this morning to avoid talking to charlie was a mistake. at least that's what booboo said.

sitting in booboo's car he glanced over at me, "i still don't understand why you won't talk to him"
"i kissed him, what's so hard to understand" i let out a low laugh
"but it was strictly professional, no feelings, right?" he asks glancing over once more
"yup, strictly professional, i definitely don't like him" , i let out a sigh knowing i'm partly lying. i don't know how i feel for charlie. i know i like being around him because he makes me laugh and makes me happy in general. he's so sweet and kind and just such a good person. he's cute too, that fluffy hair and his eyes. oh his eyes don't even get me started. 'shit, shit shit shit' i thought groaning

"you good" booboo asks letting out a laugh
"i'm perfect", i respond still looking out the window 'no i'm not ugh' i shut my eyes in hopes to drown out my thoughts, it didn't work.

the second the two got to set, kennedy made a beeline to her trailer. she knew what she had to do and that was to call her bestfriend. she threw her bag onto the couch before sitting down next to it, quickly pulling out her phone.

she had the number saved to her favorites so it didn't take her long to find the number. either way she knew it by heart incase of a situation.

it rang twice before he picked up the facetime call. they immediately smiled once seeing the other person's face.


(you're in bold)

"i was wondering when you'd call me"

"harry edward styles, were you waiting for my call"

"i was, i've missed you ken" the girl smiled at the brunette beauty

"i've missed you too haz, just been so busy with filming and such"

"ahh that's right, i forget my bestfriend's a big shot sometimes"

she smiles before responding, "says you. anyways how are you?"

"i'm good, i've been going to the studio a lot trying to write more music y'know the drill"

"mm yeah, i really have missed you bubs"

"me too love me too, so what's up?" he asks knowing her too well

"ouch straight to the point huh"

"yeah yeah now get on with it" she laughs lightly at this

"ok so there's this boy.." she says trailing off slightly

"ouuu a boy, i'm intrigued. go on" he presses

"well this boy is someone i'm living with while filming, and i don't know if i like him. BUT, every time i hear his name or when i'm around him i just get more happy? i guess i can't explain it, and then yesterday we were filming a scene were we had to kiss. and i got so many butterflies but i don't know what it all means. and i think i'm just scared, because i lost cam and we weren't even dating at the time but it just hurt so much and i- i don't know haz" she sighs at the end of her rant

"well, i think you might like this boy. obviously i can't tell you what you're feeling because only you really know. but from what you're telling me i think you do, i think you're also scared to get into a relationship because cameron was the first guy you ever really loved and you lost him in the worst imaginable way. death, and i really think that's the reason you haven't dated in a while and why you're scared now. i don't think you should rush into it just yet, figure out your feelings first and then see his. if he's giving you signs that he likes you go for it but if not don't chase after something you know isn't going anywhere. it saves you both a lot of pain later on" kennedy felt like she could cry, harry always did know exactly what to say. even if he can't get it out fast enough

"i literally love you, like so so much. you're so good with words and just advice and everything" she sighs before continuing "you mean the world to me haz, i genuinely don't know what i'd do without you" little did she know the boy she's possibly crushing on heard that part of the conversation. suddenly knowing why he was being avoided he felt his heart shatter as he ran to his trailer.

"here how about i come visit you, maybe stay with you for like a week or two. just before i have to go back to keep working on this next album"

the smile on her face grows quickly as does his, "i'd love that harry, i'm so excited to see you again. and i'm so proud of you the album will be great"

"i just hope everyone else likes it too. and hey i'm proud of you too, don't think your talent goes unnoticed miss i'm the youngest oscar winner" they both laugh at this knowing he's just teasing.

kennedy hears a knock on her door she tells them to come in, seeing owen peak his head inside "hey, they need you in hair and makeup"
"okay thanks for letting me know o"
"come find me later, we need to talk" and with that he left

"what was that about" harry asks

"um i have to head to hair and makeup"

"i heard the last part y'know, what do you think he wants" that's the big question

"no clue, ok i've gotta go i'll call you later yeah?"

"yeah, bye i love you have a great day on set"

"i love you too, have a great day at the studio"


with those final words she hung up changing into her character's outfit before heading over to hair and makeup. she's really confused as to what owen wants to talk about, it seemed serious. 'maybe something happened?' she thought.

she walked into the hair and makeup trailer to see charlie  and booboo there as well. she figured this was as good a time as none to start talking to charlie. although when she saw charlie roll his eyes as she walked in she second guessed everything.

she took a seat next to him, smiling, "hey charlie"
he answered with a simple hey before looking back down at his phone.
"so um, how are you?" she asked trying to ease the tension
"oh i'm great", another eye roll
"that's good" when the people working on here finished they let her know and told her to head to set.

she got up and walked outside seeing booboo was waiting for her.

"man was that awkward" he said placing his arm over her shoulder, she immediately shoved it off "it was not awkward you arse"

SWEET CREATURE - charlie gillespie [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now