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When I woke up, I found Cassian standing over a fire. "I'm hungry", I said flatly. He shot me a smile. Then he passed me a roasted fish on stick. "I found a stream this morning", he explained. "Can we go there?" I asked casually. Cassian gave me a side ways smile. "Why not?" he responded. He ruffled his dark curls and I had an unexplicable urge to run my fingers through his silky hair. "Let's go, then", I said sharply, shaking the thought away. Cassian grabbed my hand and we ran through the woods. My hair was flying, the wind whooshing it but yet I smiled, my lips stretching across my face. "You're smiling", Cassian smirked. That wiped my smile of my face. I scowled at him. "I was doing no such thing", I said haughtily. "You certainly were", Cassian sing-songed. I shoved him lightly. He shoved me back. I staggered back and landed on my bum in the mud. My jaw dropped open. "Yousonofa!" I cried out. Cassian cackled at me. I got up and pushed him until he fell into the mud. It splattered onto his face and he spat it out. He pointed a finger at me and he licked his lips. His lips. They were full and so kissable. Must. Think. About. Something. Else. Cassian got up, brushing the mud of his shirt. "The stream's this way", he jerked his chin forward. We walked in silence as I studied his tan, sun kissed skin, to his broad shoulders, to his sparkling dark eyes with thick lashes. I swallowed. I just wanted to grab him and make him mine. I just wanted to- "We're here", Cassian announced. The water was a bright blue and gushed against the blades of grass. Cassian peeled of his shirt and I watched him get into the water. He shook his head like a dog, his hair spraying water everywhere. "Come on in", he challenged. My heart thudded against my chest and I forced myself to look bored. I took off my shirt, amused by the way Cassian's eyes travelled to my chest. Then I dove into the stream, the water splashing everywhere. I stuck to the edge of the stream. I didn't want cassian to know I couldn't swim. "Can you even swim?" he asked. I scowled. Damn it. "No", I said sharply. Cassian chuckled. I raised my fist and hit him on his back. As my fingers touched his skin, they began to feel extremly hot and I could feel heat rising to my cheeks. Oh, just how I wanted to touch him. "Nesta?" Then I remembered. He was Cassian. He was out of bounds. He didn't deserve some sullen, cold hearted person like me. He deserved someone who would make him smile. Someone who would make him laugh. And that someone was not me. I swallowed. Cassian grabbed my arm and cupped my head in his hands. "Nesta", he whispered. "What are you? A mind reader?" I asked hoarsely. A tug of a smile on his lips. "I can read everything your thinking by your face expressions", he laughed. Then he became serious. "Nesta", he said again. I needed him. No matter how selfish it was of me, I needed him. I swallowed. His adams apple bobbed up and down as I stared into his dark, beautiful eyes, helpless. "Just when I thought it was time to give up", he whispered, his breath sending tingles down my spine. I crashed my mouth onto his. "Never give up on me, Cassian", I mumbled between kisses. Never

Heart Of Steel~ A Nessian fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now