Chapter One

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"So this is why you wanted to stay." growls a smoky voice from the forest. I rip my head off Will's shoulder as Cassian emerges from the trees. His purply black eyes are locked on Will, and I know what he's thinking. Kill the hunter, bring the fire-breather home.

" Cassian. You promised not to do anything!" I snap. His gaze snaps to me, and I know I fucked up.

" I never agreed to sit by and watch while you cuddle up to some filthy, murderous," he says

" SHUT UP!" I scream. Cassian attacks Will, without another word. I hear the smacking of their fists and a multiple curses.

I scream when Will and Cassian plunge off the cliff. I know that Will is trying to stay up, but they're both gone. No. Will is gone. Cassian wouldn't have fallen. Without thinking, I run to the cliff side, and jump. I land on a steep, rocky ledge. I hear shouts after me.

" JACE!" Tamara cries. I can hear the horror in her voice, but I jump again, and land on another ledge, I keep going down until the only light is my skin glowing in terror. I hit the bottom of the chasm and see Will laying there. Completely still, and continuously bleeding. I run to his side, and freeze. His blood. It's just like mine. Will has dragon blood. Draki's lives were taken for him.

His eyes flutter open, and I kneel next to him, and gently take the jacket off of his shoulders, He doesn't move a muscle. I rip off a sleeve and wrap it around the gash on his arm tightly, bandaging his wound. Even though I want to strangle him myself for having this blood. I use the rest to try to clot the blood on his head injury. I can't lose him.

" J-Jacinda." He whispers hoarsely. I kiss his cheek gently, and hold him close. The fact he even spoke is good. He isn't dead yet. Yet. I wince at the thought. Cassian can still kill him. I sit here, comforting him until I hear the sirens, someone called the police and an ambulance. Everything is going to be just fine. A helicopter lands nearby after a few minutes. The doctor emerges and calls our names.

" WE'RE HERE!" I scream into the distance. I instantly stop glowing for light as the doctor comes over holding a bright flashlight. He kneels next to Will, pressing two fingers to his arm, checking for a pulse. When he's confirmed that Will is still alive, he gets him onto a stretcher and takes us both back to the top of the cliff, where we're forced into an ambulance.

Escaping Her TribeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ