Chapter Two

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We've been in the hospital for about an hour now. I had to get stitches in my shoulder and Tamara sat in the waiting room, expecting an explanation for why the hell Cassian was even in Chaparral. I tell her what happened, and about the horrible threats he made. How he told me he would kill her and Mom if I didn't stay quiet. She doesn't speak to me for the rest of the evening, which I kind of deserve.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Time skip(sixty minutes)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

I go up to the desk and smile politely at the receptionist. Her bright green eyes and blonde hair remind me of Jabel in some ways. She smiles up at me with a loving, motherly look.

" Hello. I was wondering if there was any update on Will yet." I say. The woman sighs. This is the third time I've asked tonight. But I can't stop worrying about him. He was just thrown off a cliff for god's sake. Her bright green eyes travel my face, looking for a little sign of humor, like I'm making a joke right now.

" Sweetie, I'm sorry but there hasn't been an update. I'd suggest you sit down until your parents get here for you and your sister, okay honey?" She says. I close my eyes and nod. I don't need anyone seeing the tears building up in the backs of my eyes. I don't want to look like a child right now. 

But before I make it to my seat I see Mr.Rutledge, Will's father entering the hospital. I move to my seat, praying not to be noticed, but my prayers never work. He comes over to me with a frown.

" Thank you. For saving my son. If there's anything at all my family and I can do for you in the future, do not hesitate to let us know." He says. I nod a bit, and he smiles a hollow smile, and walks away.

I sit next to my twin, head in my hands for what feels like hours. I don't move at all. After a while, I feel a tender hand on my shoulder. When I look up I see my beautiful mother standing before me. Her dark amber eyes shine with tears as her gaze skims from me to my sister to Will's family who are still worrying about him like I am. 

I stand up and try to move past her, but she isn't having that. She grabs my wrist, gently pulling me into her embrace.

This is the first time I notice within the months that we've been here how different she looks. She's so thin now. What happened to her? Mom's always had curves. Her eyes are so much duller than I've ever seen them. She looks lifeless now.

" I'm sorry I didn't listen to you Mom. I know it was stupid." I mumble. She holds me tighter as I cry. She whispers utter nonsense. Insisting it's not my fault, when I know reality. It's all on me. I should've hidden from him. Avoided him while I still had the chance.

We leave the hospital and drive home in silence. I sob softly in the backseat. Not for myself, not even for Will. But for my family. I know I've let them down. I was selfish as hell tonight. I put what I am at risk of exposure, I put people I love in danger. When we pull up to the pool house I just go to bed. I can't deal with anyone right now.  It's too hard to know how much damage I've caused and live with it.

Because of me, Will could be dead! All because I was too selfish to just avoid him. Because I cared too much to leave him alone with his deranged family. Because I didn't want to let myself be whole without him.

I burrow under the blankets on my bed and start crying. My sobs don't stop for hours, when I finally fall asleep, I just see his purple draki blood again. It continuously bleeds and bleeds, covering my hands and face, until I drown in it. Only his blood doesn't stop flowing. It flows and flows until I couldn't swim to the surface even if I wanted to.

I wake up with a horrible scream. The sound fills the room and shakes the walls. I look around and realize I'm still here, in Chaparral, safe and sound. I'm safe, but he isn't. Will is far from safe with Cassian still on the loose. I get up from bed and wander to the kitchen to get a glass of milk. Mom isn't up right now, she must've gone to bed.

I quickly drink my milk and go back to bed. I know I'm not going to fall asleep, but I have to at least try. I flip my pillow over to the dry side and lay down. I don't cry this time, I got my tears out a few hours ago.

My eyes wander all around the room as if I expect to see Cassian in here. That wouldn't be good for anyone. He'll drag me back to the pride for this one. My eyelids start to feel heavy when something creaks in the kitchen.

I jerk up from my bed and look around. The creaking comes again. Louder this time. I sneak out of bed and into the kitchen, where he stands. Cassian. His figure a shadow in the darkness, but I know it's him.

I gasp and try not to be too loud. I try to go back to my room to wake Tamara, but it's too late. The floorboards creak loudly the moment I move. God  dammit.

Before I even have time to scream he grabs me and drags me out of the house.I kick and scream against his grip, but he obviously couldn't care less. Now his only concern is getting me back to the pride. That's all that matters.

He shoves me into his car and drives away. I bang on the widow and scream at the top of my lungs. Cassian glares at me from the driver's seat. His purply black gaze cutting me like a knife. I don't give a fuck if nobody can hear me, I still scream. Eventually he jerks the steering wheel, sending me flying.

My head smashes against the window. I hear the smash of glass before I feel anything. I yelp in pain as my forehead bleeds. Cassian smirks. He's enjoying my pain. He likes to see me hurting. 

" Shut up you little bitch. You knew that one way or the next I'd get you home. Be grateful I didn't go to that damned hospital and finish your hunter off. And you'll be lucky if I don't tell the pride about him. Or his blood." He growls. I curl in a ball and resist the urge to continue screaming. He pulls away from the curb and continues the drive. I can see in his eyes that he's tired. 

I start humming a lullaby, not only to comfort myself, but because I know he'll fall asleep soon if I hum long enough.

After about thirty minutes, I hear him utter a curse. His gaze turns to me, and I know that I've done something wrong. 

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