Chapter Three

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I see red and blue lights flashing, a road block. The police are here. He forces the car into reverse, but not soon enough because cop cars move behind his car, blocking our escape. I try not to smile as Cassian signals for me to get out of the car. But my attempt not to smile fails the minute I see Mom standing with the police and... the Rutledge's? What are they doing here? My smile fades instantly upon seeing them.

I tremble in the frigid air, blood oozing from the gash on my forehead. I seriously got used to this desert's hot weather. But it is so cold out here right now, and we haven't even left Chaparral yet! Cassian reaches behind him, and grabs my wrist.I flinch at the touch, hating that he's touching me at all.

But of course, he isn't handing me over. I'm pulled directly against him, and the barrel of a gun is pressed to my temple. I freeze as I feel the cold metal of a gun barrel pressed against my head, unsure of whether or not he actually intends to harm me.

" Get the fuck back or I swear I'll kill her! Don't make me say it twice!" Cassian shouts. The police don't move back, nor do they move any closer. Tears spill out of my eyes and flow down my cheeks. I feel my shoulder explode, and a bullet land in front of us. I scream into my teeth, but don't dare move, hoping to god he won't shoot me again.

I see one of the officers do something with his hand. Cassian doesn't notice, because if he did, he'd care. I hear a loud sound, and before I know what's happening, Cassian is on the ground, bleeding out, and a police officer is dragging me to my mother.

I can't bring myself to scream, it hurts too much. He's slowly dying, and his purple hued draki blood is exposed. Soon they'll know. They'll all know. I hear Mom's voice, but it sounds like she's underwater. I see her snap in front of my face, but I can't move, can't breathe, can't speak.

Soon, I'm being loaded into another ambulance and I hear someone shout, " The child isn't responding!" I can't move still, my body is frozen in place. My eyes refuse to shut, even to blink.

I see someone holding Mom back, to keep her away from me. I try to open my mouth to scream, but my jaw refuses to move. I'm paralyzed.

The ambulance pulls away, and I don't know why, but I find myself hoping that Cassian is going to be alright.

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