Before the Fall

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I was born gifted, just like my parents. We all have the same gift. Some how they were able to find each other, but I was never told that story since I was still pretty young when I was forced to say good bye. I still remember the day fairly clearly. I was about eight at the time.

I rolled over in my bed to see the sun penetrate my room and greet the day. I choose not to have blankets on my bed because I do not need them due to my gift. I unwrap myself from the feathery, cocoon-like, hug I surround myself in every night and sit up, stretching my wings out to their full length to loosen them from staying curled around me all night. I fold my wings over and tuck them behind me. I hop up from bed and walk over to the window. I pull back the blinds slightly, careful to keep my wings out of viewing distance.

Below I see too many people to count going on about their day. Some people driving on the busy street, some walking and crowding the side-walks, and some standing at the stands and store fronts below. I close and step away from the blinds and walk down the hall to see if the rest of house is awake.

The house is mostly quiet, except for the quiet hum of the air circulating through the vents. I walk over to my parents bedroom door that is slightly cracked and I poke my head inside. They are still asleep so I assume that they had a busy night of jobs. I quietly walk to the kitchen and make myself a bowl of cereal and milk. I bring my food into the living room and turn on the TV to be greeted to the morning news. On the news, I see the lady that is on their most days, always reporting similar stories. First the weather, next the average short stories, then my parents. Well, they don't know its my parents. People call them many things. Things like heroes, angels, protectors, guardians. Other people call them things like vigilantes, annoying, dangerous. I've asked what vigilante means, but my parents tell me not to worry about it, and all I need to know is that they are trying to help people. How people were scared of them because they didn't know who they were or what they could do.

The lady says how people have seen people with wings fly above the city and sometimes on roof tops, but have never gotten a look at their faces. How people who have been attacked before, where saved by people with wings. I've also asked why we can't tell people about us and tell them who we are because they wouldn't be afraid anymore. Mom says that people like to control and get rid of what they don't understand because they're scared. She also says that they do acts of good to try and show the people that they don't have to be afraid of them. When mom says stuff like that, she always sounds so serious and it can scares me some times. Dad makes it sound almost fun. He says that its like a game. How they have to stop the bad guys, but they can't get caught. I think they almost got caught sometimes because sometimes they would come home with some cuts and bruised. I've asked if there was anything I could do to help, but they always told me they were fine. When I saw this I found it scary. I found it scary that I would possibly have to do this one day and play this dangerous game. But they told me that it was worth it knowing that you got to help someone and save people when they couldn't always save themselves. So, I was told we had to hide, but I was also told we had to be viewed as brave. So where was the thin line I had to walk, even if I didn't want to walk that line.

Mom and dad don't get caught because they stay hidden when they play the game. I'm not old enough to play the game is what they told me so I don't get to go out with them and I can't let anybody see my gift, so I do school at home. I get to go to the store with them during the day sometimes but we have to wear special clothing to hide our wings. During the winter I can usually wear a jacket that's a little big on me and that can hide my wings. During the summer though I usually have to wear a dress or a long shirt and this thing I put around my wings to hold them down. It was uncomfortable when I was younger, but by now I'm more used to it.

Mom and dad said there is one important thing I have to understand. If they loose the game and get caught, then I have to run away and not get caught because I'm still playing my game. They said that if that happens, then I get to make up my own game and play it however I want as long as I don't get caught. In preparation of this they packed a bag that's under my bed. Its full of clothes, money, and papers they said would be important. They told me if I ever had to run away, to grab the bag, go out through the balcony door, to fly up until no one could see me, and then go in some direction until I was safe. They told me to focus on my new life if I was to be all alone and try not to be too sad because even though it seemed they were gone, they would always be with me, even if I couldn't see them. I never liked having these type of conversations with them because it made me sad.

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