Continuing the game

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Authors note: Hey guys, I didn't realize how much of the story I put into one chapter so I'm probably going to be making them a little bit shorter. Sorry if that is an inconvenience in any way. Enjoy reading

I launched off the balcony and went skyward. I went straight up until the people down below seemed like small dots on the ground. Once I thought I was high enough I put the backpack on backwards, so the pouch was on my chest  and started to fly away, not caring where to as long as it was away from here.

After about fifteen minutes of flying I went below the cloud cover to see where I was. I was almost at the ship yard that was outside the city I lived in. I flew until I was able to land in an empty part of the lot with no one in sight to catch my breath. Usually when I flew I didn't have to make such a rapid take off and not have to fly for so long at full speed.

I had to think of where to go next. I couldn't go across the water because I didn't know where the next piece of land was and I definitely couldn't go back the way I came or else I may be caught.

I was only able to sit there for a few minutes before I heard noise coming my way. It was people, cars, and sirens. They had some how managed to follow me here. I had to get out of here as fast as possible.

I took to the sky and saw that they were nearly right on top of my. They had surrounded me on three sides, leaving me only one way out. I turned and flew towards the water with my altitude climbing. I heard someone in the distance yell something and it some how made my heart beat even fast that it was already going.

"Shoot them down, but don't kill 'em. We need them. Don't let them escape. "

On his command I heard ear ratting explosions coming in my direction and then felt an intense burning in my right thigh. I managed an agonizing screech in retaliation to the fiery sensation, but I kept flying. I was finally out of range of the bullet and the explosion's secedes.

I flew for as long as I could, needing to get as far away from where I came. Once I could no longer see the mainland I flew lower to the water. The burning sensation slowing slightly, but its more likely because the area around the wound has gone numb.

I flew down to the water and gather a small amount of water in my hand and threw it against the wound. The burning sensation returned promptly and I gritted my teeth to prevent from making any noise.

I remember what mom and dad did whenever they got seriously injured, so I opened up the bag and searched for anything that could be of use. There were no bandages but there were some of my clothes. I took one of my t-shirts and tore it into a couple pieces. I took one of the pieces and wrapped it around the wound and tie a knot tight.

I started to fly a little higher to avoid the spray of the ocean waves.

Slowly a new sensation starts to flood my body. I felt extremely drowsy. The smooth and steady flaps of my wings become more stuttered and labored. My vision begins to fuzz and darken slightly.

I look down at my leg to see the wrap around my leg was mostly soaked through. I reach into my bag to grab another strip of fabric, but not sure how much good it will do at this point. I flew for a little bit longer, trying to fight through the ever growing feelings. Drowsiness, pain, hopelessness. Eventually my body started to give up.

My breathing became more shallow and I started to fly lower and lower to the water. My vision then had dark spots dancing across it, in addition to a ringing in my ears. It begins to get harder to think clearly, and eventually, to think at all.

Before I knew it, I blacked out and was in the water.

I tried to fight against the feeling but that only lasted so long. I almost made it out of the water, until a wave sieged above me, dragging me under with a crashing blow.

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