"We called him Padfoot"

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I went up the stairs with the dog right behind me. He still had the towel draped across his back so he looked kind of silly in my opinion. I walked across my room and straight to the window. I opened the window and signaled for the dog to go through. He hopped onto the roof and turned to look at me.
"Go on up. I'll be up there in a few minutes." The dog wagged his tail and ran up to the top of the roof and out of sight.
I went into the trunk and pulled out a new sweater, changed, and dried off. There wasn't much I could do for my wings except try to dry them with a towel so I just left them be. Before going onto the roof I grabbed a few blankets and my notebook.
I climbed out the window and up to the roof to see the dog laying down next to where I always sit on the roof.
"I wonder if you have a name? If not, then we'll have to think of one. Maybe we should just wait until Moony gets home before I start trying to name you." I said as I started to flip through my book. The dog watched the pages as I turned them. When I got to the drawings of the stag, wolf, and dog he let out a little yip in a way of saying he liked the drawings.
"Yeah. I guess the dog does kind of look like you" I said with a smile while patting the dogs head, but when I turned the page again to the rat he started to growl.
"You don't like the rat? I guess I don't like it as much either. I prefer the dog or wolf. There's one drawing I'm working on though. It isn't finished yet and I've never tried to draw anything like it before but I can show you." I flipped through the pages to the last page I was on earlier today. On the page was a half drawn Phoenix with its wings fully spread out.
"When I was younger, my mother gave me a coloring book full of drawings of mythical creatures from legends and folk lore. I really liked a few of the animals in the book and this is one of my favorites"
The dog watched as I started to draw. He was curled up by my side as I had the blanket laying across my lap. I started to work on details of the drawing. I drew a few loose feathers on the side where they had fallen off the wings and I drew the flames that licked the edges of the wings. I continued to draw until I noticed the dog had fallen asleep next to me. So, I closed up the book and I laid down next to the dog. By now my wings were mostly dry so I draped one of my wings over the dog for his warmth. Eventually drowsiness over came me and I managed to fall asleep next to the dog.

When I woke, it was dark outside and the dog was no longer next to me. I looked around to make sure he wasn't on the roof anymore and went into the window with my stuff once I realized he wasn't there anymore. Maybe he went inside because he heard Remus come home, I thought to myself. I started to walk down the stairs until I heard some people talking. Did Moony have people over today? If so, why are they here so late?
"I know you can't send letters to Azkaban, but it would have been nice to hear that one of my oldest friends had a child. She seems just like you." I heard a man with a slightly raspy voice say with a little laugh at the end. How did he know about me at all? I hadn't recognized the voice at all so I didn't know this person.
"It's a long story, Sirius. Even though she may appear to be my own due to the situation, she is not my biological daughter, but I am caring for her as if she is my own and more often than not, I think of her as my own. She has been here for two years. She has no other family. As much as I wish for you to hear the rest of the story, I think it's best that it waits until a different time. Y/n will probably be waking up soon."
"Well yes, I suppose you're right. But I will be in the area, in a little bit different form of course. Congratulations though. She does seem happy if you were ever concerned about that. She has this light in her eyes, she is definitely strong for someone as young as her"

"She always has been. Hopefully I will see you around. Its been nice seeing you again." 

"It truly has."

What did the man mean by  in a different form? After a moment of silence I heard the front door open and close. After a few minutes I walked down the stairs and into the living room. I saw Remus sitting on the couch and reading the news paper. 

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