Listening to Untold Secrets

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Over the next few weeks, Lupin and I got to know each other better. On most days he's gone because of work, so at home, I usually help with cleaning and organizing. He tells me I don't have to do that and that it is his mess, but I usually help out anyway. After a few weeks I'm able to start moving my wings around and try to fly, but I can't fly for more than a few seconds, so I spend most of my days on the ground. 

When I'm not cleaning or helping his garden, even though I don't know much about gardening beyond picking weeds, I try to draw in the notebook he gave me. I've gotten better at drawing recently. I'm to the point now where Lupin can tell what I'm trying to draw. I usually try to draw animals. 

One day I was about to leave my room to go out to the garden, but I heard people downstairs talking. Out of old habit I went back into my room and to find the harness that went around my wings and I put a coat overtop of it, even though it was fairly warm outside. I quietly walked down the stairs and listened from one of the bottom steps. 

"Remus, how are you dearie? Not too bad I hope." I heard from a women's voice. 

"Ronald Weasley! Don't touch what's not yours. Go sit next to your sister. Here, I made you these since I know you like my pie and I brought these, straight from Honey Dukes.", I hear a small chuckle from Remus. 

"I'm doing fine, Molly. I've been a little bit more busy with something else these past weeks though."

"I can see that. The house looks much better from last time I visited. When did you find the time to organize all those papers and books that were laying around?" I listen in while getting ready to take another step down while staying out of view.

"Well, about that, that's what I wanted to talk to you about, I-," 

The stair I stepped on made a loud creaking sound and the talking came to an immediate stop. I stayed in a crouching position on the stairs, while holding my breath and not daring to move.

"I know that's you, Y/N. You can come down now. It's alright. I promise." I sat there for a moment longer before coming to the bottom of the stairs and coming into view of the guests.

I gave the women a timid smile. She had bright red hair that had a few visible silver hairs due to having children and aging. She wore a slightly tattered dress that had a design of multiple pieces of fabric sewn together and a light, sweater cardigan. I glanced over at the two children sitting on the couch. They both had freckles and the same red hair, except the girls hair looked a little more fiery than her brother's. I could tell they were a little younger than me, probably no more than two or three years. All three of them were covered in a bit of dirt and soot, mainly around their face.    

"Y/N, this is Molly Weasley. Molly, this is Y/N.", Remus giving each other a proper introduction. 

"Hello.", I said shyly while looking down.

"Hello, dearie." She looked over to Remus with a questioning look. 

The two kids on the couch jump up and ran over to where I was standing. 

"I'm Ron, Ron Weasley. And this is my sister, Ginny." We waved to each other and smiled.

"Molly, I was hoping I could talk to you and Y/n without other little ears listening for a few moments, if you don't mind?",  Remus asked. 

"Of course. Ron, Ginny, go on outside an play. I'll call you both in when we're done talking." With that, they were running out the door while chasing each other. We walked over to the chair and couch. Remus and I sat on the couch and Mrs. Weasley sat across from us.

"So, are you going to tell me how you two met?" 

"Well, I found her injured and alone in the woods a few weeks ago. She has no family because, well-" I could feel their eyes on my as I had my head down, mentioning my parents was still very difficult to talk about at times. 

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