Chapter 1 : The Return

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       You finally arrive home from 2 weeks in the hospital, after an open heart surgery for a defect giving you breathing problems you were born with.

Well that's the cover story anyway, really you and your brother Bellamy were on a mission to California to track down a bad guy. Yes, a bad buy, someone who stole a very specific piece of jewellery from your family a long time ago, that you wanted back. It was practically a family heirloom, it belonged to your grandmother.

As you walked through the freshly polished doors opening up to the crystal flooring of the hallway you see Aiden slouched over the table holding the phone up to his ear with Maddi sitting down on the opposite side of the table with her head in her hands with her golden blonde hair covering half her face.
"What's going on?" Bellamy whispered as I placed the neatly folded pouch with the jewellery contents next to the warm light
"I don't know, go ask them. I'm gonna find Elijah"
You chuck your shoes in the downstairs cupboard that sits under the stairs and run up to the 3rd floor of the giant building owned by the government to Elijah's room and see him on his computer with his agent beside him pointing at different keys on the keyboard and back up to the screen.

"Oh hey Rose, come look. Marcel is teaching me to hack again" he splurted out with a glowing smile from ear to ear.
"That's awesome, you have to teach me one time" you said as you backed out of his geeky room and back downstairs to figure out what is going on with Aiden and Maddi.

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