Chapter 3 : The Meeting

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A few days past and notices were sent out telling the 8 teams to meet January 10th 2068 at the Claire Mansion with a formal dress code. Our mansion. It was confusing to why we were using our home as a meeting place. I got ready for the event with Maddi, all 5 of us were matching champagne dresses and ties. Maddi and I both had light curls. The hairdresser told me my chocolate brown hair is the perfect shade of brown to match the dress, yet i honestly thought Maddi's hair went better. As the golden tones glistened under the light.

After getting ready and got everything layed out in order and foods and drinks perfectly lined up in rows and large glass bowls. The door bell immediately started ringing and just before the door opened we all lined up ready to welcome out guests.

The first team who arrived were in the same layout as us, all 5 siblings. Nearly around the same age aswell, I saw Elijah get his control pad out and brightened the lights somehow, he creates some interesting things sometimes when he tries. Bellamy shoved his hand into his shoulder and turned his head to the guests, and Elijah immediately walked over and shook everyone's hands and lead them to kitchen.

The other 7 teams all arrived during the hour, Aiden came over to me and Bellamy with a smile on his face "I think Eli has a little crush"
"Oh don't be mean Aiden"
"He's 11, what if he has a crush." Bellamy blabbered.
"Talking about that. Have any of you got any bad suspensions on any of the teams"
"Erm, I mean the first team that came are nice. They are all siblings too. But team 6 were rude earlier" Aiden spoke.
The teams were given a number when they came in. We are team 1, as we hosted the meeting.

You went to Maddi who was sitting on the sofa on her own and she pointed out a boy who said was 14 aswell. She spoke about how he was in team 6 and the other team members are really snobby and rude, "what's his name?"
"Josh, josh Barnes"
The name was familiar, but couldn't figure out where you remembered it from...

You called Marcel down and asked him is he recognises the name. He did. The family was in a dealership with the Claire business before our parents died in that car accident. It was sad. His mother was in the car that day. He lost his mother aswell.

A sudden hole of guilt caved through my chest, you was only 12 when your parents died and just to think that his and our parents were in that same car when it went over that bridge. You had a compelling feeling dragging you back to the meeting and to talk to the boy. Josh. Marcel had meantime he had a younger sister, Chloe Barnes. They were so young still, we were so young. We were being sent to a place to kill each other.

Bellamy walked up from behind you putting his hand on your shoulder, his hand was cold and sent shivers down your arm.
"Are you alright?"
"Yh. Just thinking. Bellamy, what if something happens at the Awakening, what if someone gets hurt, what if we get hurt"
"I don't know Rose, as long as we stick together, we should be alright."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2020 ⏰

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