3: Knuckles the Echinda

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-4 years later-
January 14

I swear this hedgehog is like everything I never expected for a kid. He is energetic then the next moment all he wants to do is sleep. He sat on Rouge's lap while I was stuck on a meeting on my computer.

"Mama?" The four year old asked in the other room.

"Yes baby?"

"Why don't you and Papa wear a ring like couples do in movies?"

"Oh- uh...you see those people are married sweetheart. Me and Papa aren't..." She trailed off. We have been having some issues lately, and we even thought about splitting. Sonic was to young for that. We never want to hurt him....

I'm not ready to married anyways though. I saw Sonic run up to me and he put his hands up saying he wanted to be picked up. I sighed and did just that.

He laughed as patted his head, I could tell he was tired. "Sonic, baby, it's time for bed" Rouge came and picked him up. He mumbled some words I didn't understand then went back to dozing off.

Things after that went down hill. Rouge told me that she only thought of me as a friend now. Not going to lie, I thought the same way of her too. Our bond was breaking and I could feel it.

If we were to split, who would get Sonic?

Eventually, we narrowed it down. I could always vist he would still call me "papa" but I really won't be his dad. I wanted to move and travel, and Rouge said I would be able to do that tomorrow if I just said "goodbye" to Sonic before I left.

I won't leave for more than two days each week.

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