Chapter III: The Moon

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Alex plans to go travel on the island along with Herold, his husband in a past life born by sacrificing his overall magic power, to look for his friends as well as learn more about it. He has no idea of how long he was gone but he knows he needs to find them. What has happened to them while he slept?

Alex and Herold walk along the beach. Alex had his arm around Herold's like a gentleman escorting a lady. In this case, it's like that. The two didn't want to be apart but can handle without the other if needed. The two were in an open marriage since boaluahe i dluga de tol.

Alex: Herold, do you think they're alright?

Herold: That I cannot say, although, the moon last night was shining bright. Maybe you had done something?

Alex: I don't know [Puts a hand on his amulet] maybe it did?

Herold: It? Oh, the locket I gave you as a wedding gift. How did you manage to find it?

Alex: A man gave it to me. Looking back now, I thought it was you.

Herold: I see, I gave that to you 500 years ago. I knew it was you when I saw the same amulet on your neck. The amulet was made by a powerful being, it cannot be replicated.

Alex: I guess you were lucky. I didn't know I was the one you were looking for but I think you were the one that was talking to me. (That reminds me, I can no longer hear Malex or Angel's voices. Have our connections shattered?)

Herold: I guess I was.

Alex leans on him as they walk closer to the lighthouse. The lighthouse was rusted and was sun-bleached. Upon closer inspection, the lighthouse was white and bright red for captains to easily recognize the building. The two were at the bottom of the lighthouse and the door was broken into. Alex steps inside to see the stairs had broken into nearly nothing. The only way up was to either do some climbing or to fly.

Alex: Well, time to make some new stairs.

Herold: Not necessarily.

Alex: Hmm?

Suddenly, his cloak turned into his dragon wings. His eyes started to glow and looked at Alex with a smile.

Herold: Care for an escort?

Alex: If it's you, always.

Alex holds on to Herold and he flies towards the top of the lighthouse. Along the way, a room with a wooden door was there. The floor in front of it was long gone but maybe they could open it. Alex tries to open the door but the handle breaks off from the rust it had through the years.

Alex: Oops...

Herold: I think I have a solution.

Alex: What do you have in mind?

Herold whispers to Alex and he nods in agreement. Herold flies backward to make space. He then throws Alex towards the door. Alex double kicks the door in half and Herold catches him as he jumps back. The two enter the door to see an old bedroom and storage. The place was covered in dust and the window inside was cracked. The place was left untouched besides the broken door that broke that untouched state.

Alex: Okay. I see a dusty bed and some stuff.

Herold: Maybe we can use something here. Look around, if you have not noticed, you have lost your weapons.

Alex: What?!

Alex checks his heels and inventory to find his guns gone and Witch Pouch empty. The attack had made everything he had been washed away. The good thing was his crown and amulet are magically attached to him and unbreakable. Making them immune from stealing or breaking.

Alex in Wonderland 1.5: Hope Of DaybreakWhere stories live. Discover now