Chapter 8

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Dave decided that he wanted to take Edgar roller skating, Edgar didn't know the first thing about it but he still wanted to go

Once they got to the skating rink then they got their shoes and went onto the floor where you skate. Edgar was tripping and falling a lot so Dave offered to help by putting out his hand, Edgar rolled his eyes at Dave "I'm fine I can do it by myself." He got up and fell back down again then Dave laughed then picked him up and held his hand while skating for the rest of the time. Edgar didn't mind it but he wasn't getting any better at skating so they decided to take a break at a table

The two sat down at a table and played some music to each other, only the most romantic choices being juju on that beat and whip nae nae! Dave got up and was going to help Edgar get out of the chair since he probably would have fallen without his help, but suddenly he felt a push and heard the sound of an angry troll "move it strider!" Dave turned around to see...
Edgar sat horrified and Dave looked confused
*but I killed him.. I painted with his blood?! Didn't I?* Edgar thought as he saw karkat skate around kicking children that where in his way *oh god who did I get then??!* Edgar was panicking and he looked as if he was going to cry. He didn't know how to feel now that he sees karkat perfectly fine.. if he didn't kill karkat then who did he kill?...
Dave put his hands on Edgar's face and kissed his cheek "it's ok.. let's just go back to skating" Dave was trying his best to calm Edgar down. Edgar nodded and they went back to the rink and skated for a little before deciding to go back to the apartment.

Once they where home Edgar ran to his room but not before saying good night to Dave of course, Edgar went into his paints "none left.." he looked at the empty paint holder that once had karkat's blood in it. He shook his head and got ready for bed quickly "I'll think about this in the morning..." he went to sleep still very restless and afraid

Dave x yandere Edgar Where stories live. Discover now