Chapter 3: Minecraft March

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February passed so quickly, time was going as fast as ever now. It was now the beginning of March and Ally and Bryson were still going strong, talking everyday. They even had a handshake that they did together everyday since December. Bryson got Tik Tok in late February.

Since it was March, Bryson would be leaving for his annual vacation soon. Ally wasn't very excited that he was leaving so soon, but they still had a little bit of time to talk.
One day the two were in French class together, they were put at the same table. One of the boys named Quan was talking about how he was playing Minecraft all weekend, he wouldn't stop talking about it. Bryson and Ally both started to giggle because he just didn't stop talking while they were trying to work together.
After laughing their butts off, Quan gave Ally and Bryson his Minecraft gamer tag. Same with Ally and Bryson. They all shared their Minecraft gamer tags with each other. Another person came over to the table, her name was Jade and she also played Minecraft and she gave her gamer tag to the 2 boys, Ally already had Jades gamer tag, since Jade is Ally's best friend.

Then, after school the five all played Minecraft together. Even Jades sister, Mel, played with them. Then, Ally noticed while they were playing that Bryson was building something underground, she didn't know what it was at first until later on when everyone was finished building their houses and everyone was all over the map.

Ally then went to look at what Bryson was building, she dug around for the place that he was in because he covered it up with grass. She finally found the spot and there was red stone all around the place underground, Ally then read a sign that said "If you're reading this go to my chimney on my house". Ally went on the scavenger hunt and went to the chimney on Bryson's small Minecraft house, she read another sign that said "If you see this go to my Tik Tok profile picture." Ally went off of Minecraft on her phone and went to his Tik Tok profile picture. She clicked on it and it said on it.. "you're cute"...

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