Chapter 4: I Miss You!

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Covid hit.

Bryson was on his vacation still and every place in their small town. Ally was feeling really alone with Bryson being busy on his vacation, and Jade spending time away with extended family. Hours and hours of pure boredom during March break. The days, hours, minutes, seconds were counting down waiting for Bryson's arrival...

It was a long dreadful 3 weeks but, Bryson was back from his vacation! Ally and Bryson haven't seen each other in person since the beginning of march. They both missed each other so much but, Bryson was on quarantine for an extra 2 weeks but he was home! They FaceTimed so much everyday, and they both missed each other so very much.

Many days went by, and soon enough, Ally and Bryson start dating! They FaceTimed and texted all the time, but they still couldn't see each other due to the worldwide pandemic, they both didn't want to risk each other getting sick even if neither of them have covid.

Ally knew some of Bryson's friends at school, but out of school, Ally was left in the dark. She didn't know a lot of people, in fact, she was pretty introverted. She always tried meeting new people, but they were usually online friends and she would never meet them in person. She would always be too scared to burst her bubble for once.

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