3. Personal Threats

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Victoria's POV
"Hey, Vic?" Alex asked as he walked into the tent where the guys and I were talking. "What's up?" I asked as I looked over at him. "You have a letter." He sighed. Confused, I stood from my cot and walked over to him.

Alexander gently gave me the letter and I opened it while sitting on my cot. I felt everyone's eyes on me.

It was highly inappropriate of you to just ride off to war away from your family. Especially sense father has just found you a husband. We are giving you this one opportunity to come home or father will disown you. After the war, if you decide not to come home, you may not come crawling back to us. Our money will no longer be yours and you'll be all on your own, living on the streets.

Your dearest sister,
Angelica Schuyler

I read over the letter again, my eyes welling up with tears. Not from being threatened, but from the hate that I have for the family I was put into. "Victoria, are you ok?" John asked. I handed him the letter, got my dagger out and started spinning it in my fingers.

The boys crowded around John and read over the letter with him. Once they were done, they all looked up at me. "Y/n I'm so sorry." Herc sighed. They all looked extremely saddened. "Why are you guys sad? I'm not going back. This is the perfect opportunity to get away from them." I snickered. "You're not?" Alex asked. "Nope. Plus, I got my own money." I shrugged. "How?" John asked.

Lafayette was being extremely silent. He hadn't spoken a word since Alex walked in and he's just reading over the letter, over and over and over again.

"I was planning on running away after the war. I needed money so I took some from my dad." I shrugged. Alex, John and Herc looked at me like I was insane. Which I probably was. Laf looked up at me with tears in his eyes, though he quickly blinked them away. "What?" I asked the three men. "You're insane." John chuckled. Alex and Herc agreeing with him. "I know." I shrugged. Laf looked back down at the letter and ripped it in half before crumbling the two pieces up. Everyone looked over at him. "You good?" Alexander asked after a moment or two. Laf just stood and stalked off while mumbling things in french. It was angry French at that.

I looked back at the guys and sighed. "I'll go talk to him." I mumbled before walking out of the tent into the dark. I looked around and saw Laf sitting at the fire pit. I smiled a little before walked over and sitting next to him on the log.

"What's wrong?" I asked. "You don't deserve this." He growled as he threw one of the balled up paper balls into the fire. "You're kind," Laf grumbled as he opened up the second ball of paper. "Caring," He tore the half of paper in half. "Considerate." The two pieces into their halfs. "Open." Another tearing of paper. "Brave." He balled all the torn up pieces together. "And beautiful." He finished as he threw the ball of paper into the fire.

"Thank you.." I mumbled as I rested my head on his shoulder. He turned a bit and wrapped his arms around me in a hug while burying his face into my hair which was out of it's ponytail. He mumbled some things in French. "What was that?" I asked. "Je t'aime." He repeated a little louder. My eyes widened as I pulled away and looked up at him. "I- um." I stuttered. "Je suis désolé.." He apologized, looking away from me and back into the fire. "No it's ok." I mumbled. "I love you too." I finished as I looked into the fire as well. Laf looked over at me and smiled a bit. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me into a side hug.

After about 10 minutes I heard Alex, John and Herc's hushed whispered from behind us. "I think he's ok now." Herc whispered. "No shit!" John hissed back. "Don't fight. Let's go see what's up." Alex warned in a quiet whisper.

The boys all surrounded the fire as well and looked at us. "Hey." I smiled. They all greeted Laf and I. "So what happened?" John asked. "Laf tore up the letter and threw it in the fire. Then we just hung out here. Now you guys are here as well." I explained. They nodded. "We can go back or stay here." Laf told us. "It's getting a little cold. We should head back." Herc observed. We all nodded in agreement and stood.

As we made our way back to the tent I realized how cold Alexander's would be. I gave up my blanket to the medic's tent seeing as they were running low. Alex saw me do this and is making me use his blanket till I get mine back.

We all walked into the tent and laid on our cots. I got under Alexander's blanket and waited. I waited for everyone to be asleep so I could give Alexander his blanket back.

After about two hours everyone was finally asleep. I silently stood from my cot and walked over to Alex. I placed his blanket over him and though his was asleep, he looked way more comfortable. I grabbed my blue coat from the end of my cot and laid down with it on top of me.

Hours past and I couldn't sleep. No matter how hard I tried it was impossible to get comfortable without a blanket. As I laid on my right side, curled up underneath my coat and watching the boys to make sure they were comfortable and sleeping well, Laf started to stir. I sighed shakily from the winter weather and curled up into the fetal position, tucking my chin close to my chest and my knees folded against my stomach.

"Victoria?" The Frenchman whispered. I looked up at him and sniffed a bit. "Victoria aren't you cold? You must be freezing!" Laf whispered in a panic. He stood up from his cot silently and brought his blanket over to me. "No.. you'll be cold." I whispered weakly. "Vic, I'll be fine. S'il vous plaît?" He begged. "I'm not taking it unless you find a way to also me warm." I whispered, sitting up a bit. "I'll lay down with you." He whispered quickly. I sighed knowing I wasn't going to win.

"Fine." I whispered as I scooted over to the edge near the wall of the tent. "Non, I'm near the wall." Laf declared. I nodded and got up from the cot. Laf laid down near the wall and held the blanket up for me. I laid down next to Lafayette and rested my head on his shoulder as he used the pillow. Laf wrapped his arms around me, providing extra warmth and we both fell asleep quickly.

I'm gonna have a cold tomorrow...

1188 words!

I hope you enjoyed this! Next chapter will be out on Sunday.

I may drop my uploading schedule.

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