5. Fighting

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Victoria's POV
When I woke up I heard whispering and I still felt Laf next to me. "Why are you in bed with her?" John hissed. "Look at Alexander. See anything different from last night?" Laf hissed back. After about two minutes of silence someone gasped. "She gave his blanket back." Herc answered. "Oui!" Laf answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Which it is. "Did she wake you up?" John asked. "Non, I woke up with a feeling that something was not right. And I was correct." Laf answered, petting my hair. Footsteps were heard and someone rested a hand on my forehead. "She's burning up." Herc sighed. "Probably a cold." John thought.

I heard movement from across the tent as Alexander woke up. "Why do I have my blanket? Is Vic ok?" Alex asked immediately. "Yes she's ok. Laf slept with her last night. We don't have details though since she isn't awake yet." John soothed. Probably not the best idea to say I haven't woken up yet. I thought. "Is she dead?!" Alexander yelped, with a loud thump afterwards. Probably him falling out of bed. Yeah.. I was right. I thought to myself.

Alexander ran over to me and began shaking me. "Alexander! Stop!" Laf hissed, pushing his hands away. "No! She could be dead!" Alex hissed back. "She's not!" Laf deadpanned. I hummed a bit and curled up more to Laf, opening my eyes slightly. "See." Laf glared. I saw Laf's shirt seeing as I was on my side cuddled up to him. I also saw some of Lafayette's face. I stretched a bit then relaxed my body, rubbing my eyes while still leaning into Laf. "Are you awake, ma cheri?" Laf whispered quietly. I nodded my head and sat up with Laf.

"How're you feeling?" John asked. I shrugged and looked around them. Alex was looking at me worried, John was more curious, Herc was full momma bear mode. And yes. That's a thing for Herc even though he's a guy. "Why did you give me the blanket?" Alex asked, sitting in front of me on Laf's cot. "You needed it more then I did." I smiled. Though I did sneeze at the end. Immediately, Herc walked over to me and laid me back down with Laf. "Stay." He grumbled, dragging Alex and John out with him.

"What're they doing?" I asked after about five minutes, my voice being very horse. "I don't know." Laf answered. After another five minutes, Herc walked back into the tent. "We just talked to Washington and told him you're sick. He told us to tell you that you have to stay in the tent today and however long you feel sick. Laf has to stay with you was well." Alexander explained. I nodded and rubbed my eyes again.

The day was long and exhausting even though I was laying down all day. "How're you feeling now?" Alex asked as he walked in with dinner for Laf and I. "Better now." I told him, my voice was still a little horse but I could tell I was getting better. "Do you think you'll be able to fight in tomorrow's battle?" Alexander asked me as he handed Laf and I our food. "I think so. I'll definitely be more careful." I sighed as I leaned on Laf's shoulder.

Today Laf was always extremely quiet whenever one of the guys was in the tent with us. Other than that, when I was awake of course, we'd have nice conversations.

"Alex." John panted as he ran in the tent. "What? What's wrong?" Alex asked quickly. "Washington needs you. He said it's really important." John warned. Alex nodded and stood, following John out without a word. "That was fun." I chuckled. Lafayette laughed and nodded his head.

~The Next Day~
I was moved under Lafayette's command with my friends so they could watch over me. Though I don't think my friends should babysit me while we're fighting a literal war I don't have a say against Washington's so here we are.

Laf was in front of all of his troops riding on his horse. I was in the very back in between John and Alex. I knew that we were at risk in the back. I also knew that I would do anything to keep my friends safe.

As we walked through the woods on the path there was rustling behind us. I whipped around and readied my pistol. I panned the woods looking for any type of red that wasn't natural. Then I saw it. I adjusted my grip on the gun and got ready to shoot. "Victoria! What're you doing?!" John shouted. I heard Laf's horse spin around to look at me.

Clopping hooves sounded as Laf made his was over to me. He jumped down from his horse and readied his gun as well. "What do you see?" Laf whispered. "Bundles of red..." I started, also in a whisper. "Lobster red." I hissed. Laf adjusted his grip as well which made the troops behind us load their gun and aim.

After about 30 seconds of silence a gunshot rang out. The bullet grazed my neck then fell to the ground. I hiss in pain and shot back, causing the battle to begin.

Immediately, our forces dispersed to the trees around us. Laf and I ran to a big tree where nobody could see us, not even our troops. Before I could lean out and shoot, Laf pulled me back and looked at my neck. "You're bleeding." He whispered as he ripped some of his shirt and wrapped it around my neck so the bleeding would stop but not to the point where I would suffocate. Once he was done he grabbed my face gently and kissed me. I placed my hand on his check and kissed back.

Once we pulled away Laf rested his forehead on mine. "Be safe." He whispered. "Always." I smirked back. I grabbed my gun and ran out from behind the tree, shooting where the redcoats were.

It took me about 30 minutes but I was able to get on the other side and switch jackets so I was wearing a red coat. As I walked from the back of their forces up. I went through and snapped their necks or stabbed them in the stomach. It was dark yes, but so was war.

I don't know if the Revolutionaries realized it was me or if I just have some sort of godly luck but I hadn't been shot yet. As I made my way out of the redcoat's side I switched my jacket back and ran to Lafayette's side again.

"What were you thinking?!" Laf yelped as we continued to shoot redcoats. "I have no idea what you're talking about!" I smirked over at him. He looked down at me briefly before turning back to the fight.

In the end, the Redcoats retreated so we were able to get back to camp safely. As soon as we entered, Laf jumped off his horse and ran to me. He took off the cloth that was around my neck and examined the wound. "Laf! Victoria! You guys are- Victoria what happened?!" Alex yelped as he and our friends ran to my side. "I was the first one shot." I shrugged. "But they had shit aim so it just grazed my neck." I smiled. Lafayette sighed and brought me into a hug. I hugged back, enjoying his embrace.

These last few days were eventful..

1260 words!

I really enjoyed writing this. Idk why.

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