8: The ball

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Victoria's POV
"Ok, you guys go to the ball. I'm gonna get Vic ready." Herc told the boys. "Don't do anything sexual with her." Laf growled. Herc rolled his eyes and pushed them all out the tent. I wasn't worried that Herc would go against Lafayette's orders. Two reasons, one; Herc isn't like that, and two; I keep a dagger on me at all times, Herc doesn't carry any weapons unless we're in battle or outside of camp.

"Do I have to wear this?" I whined as Herc tightened the corset. "I personally don't think so, but it's the only thing socially acceptable as of our life time." Herc sighed as he tied off the strings. "But as promised, I didn't tighten it to it's normal standard." Herc chuckled as he went to his trunk to get my dress. "And for that I thank you." I giggled. "Why are we talking so formally." Herc groaned as he walked over with my dress. I shrugged as Herc helped me put it on.

"You look amazing." He smiled as he straightened out the long fabric falling from my shoulders. "Thank you." I smiled. I pulled my hair out from it's pony tail and put it up into a messy, but elegant bun. "Let's go." Herc smiled. I nodded and we were on our way.

Herc and I stepped out of the carriage to see our friends waiting for us at the top of the stairs to the Manner. Alex turned to see if we were here yet and when he saw me, his jaw dropped. He started to hit Laf's arm with the back of his hand as Herc and I walked up. "What?" Laf asked turning to face Alexander. Laf followed Alex's gaze towards me, his jaw dropping as well. "Do they hate it?" I asked Herc in a panic. "God no. Guys are gonna be all over you." Herc chuckled as we continued to walked up the marble flooring that was outside.

Laf practically ran down the marble steps, stopping in front of me. He gently grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles. I giggled a bit and curtsied slightly as he still held my hand. We both stood up straight and walked up the stairs.

"You look amazing, mon amour." Laf whispered as we arrived at the top of the stairs, Alex and John still trying to get words out of their mouths. Lafayette snapped his fingers in their faces. "She's mine." He laughed. Alex and John nodded. "You look great, Vic." John smiled as we made our way inside.

"Hello, how would you like to be introduced?" A man asked at the door of the ball room. "Alexander Hamilton." "John Laurens." "Hercules Mulligan." "Lafayette." All my friends answered. "And you, miss?" The man asked. "Victoria Schuyler." I sighed. The man looked shocked before turning to Alex. "And you four are soldiers?" The man asked. "Actually all five of us are." Lafayette answered, a fake smile covering his face. "Hm." The man hummed before opening the doors.

"Soldiers, Alexander Hamilton," Alex walked out. "John Laurens," John walked out. "Hercules Mulligan," Herc walked out. "Lafayette," Then Laf. "And Victoria Schuyler have arrived." I walked out standing tall and proud. Gasps were heard around the room as Laf hooked his arm with mine and we made our way down the marble steps, a red and gold carpet covering them.

"She's beautiful." "I didn't know there was a fourth Schuyler!" "She was disowned from her family because she went to war." Were some of the whispers I heard as we walked over to General Washington. "Victoria, you look amazing." He smiled down at me. "Thank you, sir." I smiled back. He nodded and went back to conversing with other Generals in the army.

Alex, John, Herc, Laf and I all walked over to a wall, the same wall I met them at. "This looks familiar." I chuckled. My friends laughed along and nodded. "Victoria!" I heard my sister, Angelica exclaim. I turned my head to see her and my other sisters walking up to me. Though it seemed Eliza and Peggy didn't want to be here. "Hello." I smiled. "How's war holding up for you? I bet you've been shot many times." Angelica taunted. "Actually no, just once. It's really painful, you should try it some time!" I smiled sarcastically, venomous kindness filling my tone. John, Herc and Alex snickered from behind me. Laf stood on my right behind me, making sure I didn't attack them. Angelica scoffed and glared at me.

"How are you doing with finding a suitor? Surely nobody wants you seeing as you ran away from a marriage that Father set up for you." Angelica glared. Laf tensed from behind me. "First off, I didn't even marry the man. I don't even know his name. Second, I actually do have a suitor." I growled. "Really? Where is he?" Angelica taunted, Peggy and Eliza looking extremely uncomfortable. I grabbed Lafayette's hand and smirked at Angelica. Though I'm younger than Angelica, I've alway been more dominant when we fight. Whether that be because I was the second sister born or because I'm more sarcastic and snappy, I usually win fights.

"How about you, Angelica? How are you doing with finding a suitor?" I chuckled darkly. "Oh wait, who would want you? You're rude, dishonest, manipulative, and toxic." I growled. Angelica huffed and went to slap me but I grabbed her wrist before it made contact with my face. "Don't touch me." I growled. She ripped her hand away from my grasp and stomped off. Eliza and Peggy turned to me.

"We just wanted to say we're sorry for how we've treated you all these years." Eliza frowned. "We didn't mean to make you feel unwelcomed or forgotten." Peggy continued. "It's ok. I forgive you." I smiled. They both nodded and scurried off after Angelica.

I turned around to my friends who we're looking at me, shocked. "What?" I asked. "Well one; you just caught your sisters wrist when she was about to hit you. She had a pretty fast arm as well. And two; you forgave two of your sisters?!" John yelped. I shrugged and nodded.

I sighed as I sat down on my cot. Alex went to check on Washington so it was just Herc, Laf, John and I. "That was fun." I chuckled as I slipped my blue coat on. "Yeah it was." John laughed.

"Guys!" Alexander exclaimed as he ran in. We looked over at him. "We're going into battle tomorrow. Yorktown." He explained. We all looked at each other seriously, knowing this could be the end for any one of us.

1115 words!

Sooo I may or may not finish this tonight. It's gonna end soon though :/

But! If I stay up late working on these, I have a one shot chapter for my one shot book that I think you guys will enjoy >:)

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